Microsoft Edge pdf Adding text with arabic letters disappear

Brass Contributor


While I'm studying i noticed there is adding text to the pdf so I tried that and when I use Arabic letters in the text box, The text box jut disappear (if you only use arabic and english letters).


so if you use arabic letters it make the text box disappear and when you use it with english in the same text box it disappear too and if you use numbers too with english letters and arabic, only the arabic letters will disappear and the numbers and the english letters will stay soo uhhhhhhhh help.

Screenshot 2021-11-10 094825.pngScreenshot 2021-11-10 094846.png

64 Replies

Hey there @LastBurrito! Thanks for reporting this. What version of Edge are you seeing this in? Also, for the example where you partly enter English and partly Arabic, when you click back into the text box does the Arabic text reappear while editing?


Alex Rowell (she/her)
Community Manager - Microsoft Edge
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So yes when i click on it the Arabic letters appear back again

and this is the version 

(sorry for replying late :c )

Screenshot 2021-11-11 142701.png

Thanks so much for reporting (and no worries on the overnight response, I'm just as happy to flag this to the team today as yesterday!)
I'm able to reproduce this on Stable, so I'm adding that to my flag to the team for this! I shouldn't need any other info from you while they look into this, but if I do I'll circle back here. 😃
Thank you soo much for replying and I really appreciate you and your team replying and taking care about small bug like this. fixing this might be small but huge for me for my studying it will help a lot so thanks again❤️.
best response confirmed by LastBurrito (Brass Contributor)
Hey there, I'm back with an update! Arabic is not currently a supported language in the Add Text feature (sorry for not catching that before asking a bunch of extra questions!)
The team is looking to increase the language support for Add Text and I made sure they knew we have an interest here for Arabic, but no current updates on when the supported languages might change. Sorry I don't have an immediate fix for this!
okay thanks. and no problem at all

Chinese words disappear, too. So is this the same reason? Thanks. @Alexandra-R 

I checked in with the team for the currently supported language list, for you and other folks landing on this thread later.

We are only supporting the following languages currently –

English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Italian, Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Galician, Hungarian, Icelandic, German, Indonesian, Irish, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Scottish Gaelic, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese and Welsh.

Thanks, hope ASAP, also emoji is important for notes. Thankgiving on thanksgiving day. 👍 @Alexandra-R 

Hi! You mentioned that Vietnamese is supported for the "Add text" feature. But it appears to me that the same problem occurs when I try to add Vietnamese.@Alexandra-R 

Hey there @DuongNgo! Can you provide some example text and confirm what's happening when you add the text to a PDF? Also, what version of Edge are you currently using? Using sample Vietnamese characters I was able to add them as text to a PDF without issue and they rendered as expected.

@Alexandra-R Thank you for your response! This is my Edge version: Version 96.0.1054.53 (Official build) (64-bit).
These are two pictures that show my input and its result. The "Đ" and "ấ" when missing after I clicked outside of the text box. When I clicked the text box again, the words went back to normal.





Thanks for confirming this and sorry for the delayed response! I'm checking in with the PDF team to see if this is a known issue, but I'm able to reproduce this on my machine as well. I'll circle back if I need any additional info here!
Same issue with the Cryllic alphabet in Russian. It's awesome that they support languages like Gaelic and Welsh, but I wish they would support world languages like Arabic or Russian. There's no need to reply, as I understand the issue now, but I wanted to report the problem.



Thank you for the clarification.


However, it is difficult to believe that a big company such as MS is not currently supporting many foreign languages in this useful feature. Actually, this is the only reason why I switched from Chrome to MS edge. I don't think that there is any huge technical difficulties considering that MS owns the edge browser. I hope that MS can update the Edge browser to support foreign languages as soon as possible.

Please add other languages like Persian. I think edge pdf reader is the best and fastest one for reading and editing pdfs but I can not use that just because it does not support my language.

@Alexandra-R same thing happens with Croatian characters ć and č. Edge version 98.0.1108.56 (64-bit)

hi @Alexandra-R
there is same issue for persian letter. The text disappears when I click on the page
Edge is the best Pdf editor and I dont want to replace it at all.
please fix it
thank you


Is it possible to add Korean onto the list of supported languages?

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by LastBurrito (Brass Contributor)
Hey there, I'm back with an update! Arabic is not currently a supported language in the Add Text feature (sorry for not catching that before asking a bunch of extra questions!)
The team is looking to increase the language support for Add Text and I made sure they knew we have an interest here for Arabic, but no current updates on when the supported languages might change. Sorry I don't have an immediate fix for this!

View solution in original post