Reading PDFs or TXT files

Copper Contributor

I am new to CoPilot for MS 365. I thought if there was a document, whether Docx, pdf, txt, etc. that CoPilot could actually read its contents and include that information and knowledge in response to a prompt.  Even though it says it can find that document in my One Drive folders, it says it cannot read them.  I am pretty sure Open AI's ChatGPT allows this so I don't understand this.  


Also, when I switch to the Web version, it appears there is no way to retain my prior Chat's as there is with Open AI.  Is that correct? If so that is not very good as I would like to be able to build on the prior chat's and have Copilot remember our prior conversations.

3 Replies
I believe you should be able to ask questions or a summary of file contents.

I recall reading that they do not save chat history for Copilot with commercial data protection to maintain the privacy for the employee.


Copilot works differently than chatGPT. 

You actually have different copilot experiences in word, excel, PowerPoint and other O365 apps. 

You will soon be able to reference pdf to create word or pptx new content. 


But if you just want a summary of a pdf or txt, just open it in edge, then use the copilot sidebar to get a summary (and more on the document) 


And about copilot not remembering past conversation, this is due to security and data privacy commitment from Microsoft 


What you can get is a history of your prompts (look for the 3 dots ...)