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Azure Database Support Blog

Lesson Learned #508: Monitoring Wait Stats and Handling Large Data Set

Jose_Manuel_Jurado's avatar
Sep 09, 2024

Sometimes, we get asked how much data the client application is receiving from Azure SQL Database, along with the time spent and the number of rows returned.

I would like to share a simple example that allows us to approximate these details. I hope that you could find useful. 


I created a table called DownloadMeasure which contains various types of data (text, binary, bit values, and GUIDs):


SQL Script:



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DownloadMeasure](
	[timestamp] [datetime] NULL,
	[GUID No_] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
	[Example_Text1] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[Example_BitValue] [bit] NULL,
	[Example_Status] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
	[Example_Amount Parameter] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
	[Example_HTML] [varbinary](max) NULL,



After it I added 1000 rows using the following script using dynamic data for the different fields:



DECLARE @maxRows INT = 1000; 
DECLARE @randomLengthText INT;
DECLARE @randomLengthHTML INT;
DECLARE @chunkSize INT = 8000; 

WHILE @i <= @maxRows
    SET @randomLengthText = FLOOR(RAND() * (200000 - 100 + 1)) + 100;
    SET @randomLengthHTML = FLOOR(RAND() * (200000 - 100 + 1)) + 100;

    SET @randomText = N'';

    WHILE @randomLengthText > 0
        -- Append 8000 characters chunks until the total length is reached
        IF @randomLengthText > @chunkSize
            SET @randomText = @randomText + REPLICATE(N'A', @chunkSize);
            SET @randomLengthText = @randomLengthText - @chunkSize;
            SET @randomText = @randomText + REPLICATE(N'A', @randomLengthText);
            SET @randomLengthText = 0;

    SET @randomHTML = 0x; -- Initialize empty binary

    WHILE @randomLengthHTML > 0
        -- Append 8000 bytes chunks until the total length is reached
        IF @randomLengthHTML > @chunkSize
            SET @randomHTML = @randomHTML + CAST(REPLICATE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 0xFF), @chunkSize) AS VARBINARY(MAX));
            SET @randomLengthHTML = @randomLengthHTML - @chunkSize;
            SET @randomHTML = @randomHTML + CAST(REPLICATE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), 0xFF), @randomLengthHTML) AS VARBINARY(MAX));
            SET @randomLengthHTML = 0;

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[DownloadMeasure] 
        ([timestamp], [GUID No_], [Example_Text1], [Example_BitValue], [Example_Status], [Example_Amount Parameter], [Example_HTML])
        (GETDATE(), NEWID(), @randomText, CAST(RAND() * 2 AS BIT), 'Sample Status', ROUND(RAND() * 1000, 2), @randomHTML);

    SET @i = @i + 1;



C# Script


My idea with this small script is to first retrieve the list of different GUIDs and then query the DownloadMeasure table.


For each GUID, I connect to the database and execute the query, but I use the fill method instead of ExecuteDataReader. My main goal is to capture the total bytes transmitted, the time to download the data, and the number of rows.


Every 5 GUIDs, I display an average of the times and also call the sys.dm_db_wait_stats DMV to compare the deltas of the different wait times. I'm not using the session DMV because I also want to measure the connection time. All this information is stored in a log file for review afterward.



using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Threading;
using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames;
using System.Text.Json;
using static Program;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    const string LogFile = "C:\\C\\DownloadMeasure\\log\\Results.Log";
    const string ConfigFile = "C:\\C\\DownloadMeasure\\config.json";
    const string queryWaitStats = @"
            SELECT wait_type, waiting_tasks_count, wait_time_ms, max_wait_time_ms, signal_wait_time_ms
            FROM sys.dm_db_wait_stats ORDER BY wait_type";
    // Define the main query with the current GUID No using a parameter
    const string queryMain = @"
                SELECT  [timestamp],
                        [GUID No_],
                        [Example_Amount Parameter],
                FROM dbo.[DownloadMeasure]
                WHERE [GUID No_] > @GuidNo
                ORDER BY [GUID No_] ASC";

    public class Config
        public DatabaseConfig Database { get; set; }

    public class DatabaseConfig
        public string Server { get; set; }
        public string DatabaseName { get; set; }
        public string Username { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }

    // Class to represent the data from the dynamic management view for wait stats
    class WaitStat
        public string WaitType { get; set; }
        public long WaitingTasksCount { get; set; }
        public long WaitTimeMs { get; set; }
        public long MaxWaitTimeMs { get; set; }
        public long SignalWaitTimeMs { get; set; }

    static void Main()

        int i = 0;
        long totalTime = 0;
        int totalRows = 0;
        int queryCount = 0;
        double totalDataSize = 0;

        long batchTime = 0;
        int batchRows = 0;
        double batchDataSize = 0;

        double dataSize = 0;

        string guidNo;

        Stopwatch stopwatch;
        DataTable mainResults = new DataTable();
        DataTable waitStatsTable = new DataTable();
        List<WaitStat> previousWaitStats = new List<WaitStat>();

        Random random = new Random();

        Config config = LoadConfiguration(ConfigFile);

        if (config == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Error loading configuration.");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Database.Server) ||
            string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Database.DatabaseName) ||
            string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Database.Username) ||
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid configuration file. Please check the settings.");

        Log($"New Process ID:...{Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}");
        string connectionString = $"Server={config.Database.Server};Database={config.Database.DatabaseName};User Id={config.Database.Username};Password={config.Database.Password};Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;MultipleActiveResultSets=false;Application Name=DownloadMeasure";
        // Attempt to open the connection with retry policy
        SqlConnection connection = ConnectWithRetry(connectionString, 5, 2000,"Obtaining List of Guids"); // 5 retries with 2 seconds delay

        if (connection == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to establish a connection after multiple attempts.");
        DataTable guidResults = ExecuteSqlQuery("SELECT [Guid No_] FROM dbo.[DownloadMeasure] ORDER BY [Guid No_]", connection);
        if (guidResults.Rows.Count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("No GUID No_ found in the query.");
        var randomizedRows = guidResults.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(r => random.Next()).ToArray();

        SqlCommand commandWaitStats = new SqlCommand(queryWaitStats, connection);
        commandWaitStats.CommandTimeout = 120;
        SqlDataAdapter adapterWaitStats = new SqlDataAdapter(commandWaitStats);

        foreach (DataRow row in randomizedRows)
                guidNo = row["Guid No_"].ToString();
                SqlConnection connectionRows = ConnectWithRetry(connectionString, 5, 2000, $"GUID No: {i+1} - {guidNo}"); // 5 retries with 2 seconds delay
                if (connectionRows == null)
                   Console.WriteLine("Unable to establish a connection after multiple attempts.");


                stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                ExecuteSqlQueryWithParameter(queryMain, connectionRows, guidNo, mainResults);

                // Calculate the size of the downloaded data in MB
                dataSize = CalculateDataSize(mainResults) / (1024.0 * 1024.0);

                // Update total and batch metrics
                totalTime += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                totalRows += mainResults.Rows.Count;
                totalDataSize += dataSize;

                batchTime += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                batchRows += mainResults.Rows.Count;
                batchDataSize += dataSize;

            // Display the GUID No, execution time, and size of the downloaded data
            //Console.WriteLine($"          Time (ms): {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} Rows: {mainResults.Rows.Count} Data Size (MB): {dataSize:F2}");
            Log($"          Time (ms): {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} Rows: {mainResults.Rows.Count} Data Size (MB): {dataSize:F2}");

                // Every 5 GUIDs, display the average
                if (i % 5 == 0)
                    Log($"------------------------------- Average after {i} GUIDs -------------------------------");
                    Log($"Average time per query (ms): {(double)batchTime / 5}");
                    Log($"Average rows per query: {(double)batchRows / 5}");
                    Log($"Average data size per query (MB): {(batchDataSize) / 5:F2}");
                    CompareWaitStats(waitStatsTable, commandWaitStats, adapterWaitStats, ref previousWaitStats);
                // Reset batch totals
                    batchTime = 0;
                    batchRows = 0;
                    batchDataSize = 0;
           // Calculate and display the overall average
            Console.WriteLine($"Total queries executed: {queryCount}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Total rows processed: {totalRows}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Average time per query (ms): {(double)totalTime / queryCount}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Total data size downloaded (MB): {totalDataSize:F2}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue");

    static DataTable ExecuteSqlQuery(string query, SqlConnection connection)
        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
                using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
        catch (Exception ex)
           Console.WriteLine($"Error execution the query..{ex.Message}");

        return dataTable;

    static void ExecuteSqlQueryWithParameter(string query, SqlConnection connection, String guidNo, DataTable dataTable)
            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
              command.Parameters.Add("@GuidNo", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
              Guid.TryParse(guidNo, out Guid guidValue);
              command.Parameters[0].Value = guidValue;
              command.CommandTimeout = 120;
              using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error execution the query (parameters)..{ex.Message}");

    static long CalculateDataSize(DataTable table)
        long size = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
                    object value = row[column];
                    if (value is byte[])
                        size += ((byte[])value).Length;
                        size += System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount(value.ToString());
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error execution bytes function.{ex.Message}");
        return size;

    // Function to try connecting with a retry policy
    static SqlConnection ConnectWithRetry(string connectionString, int maxRetries, int delayMs, string sMsg)
        int retryCount = 0;
        SqlConnection connection = null;

        while (retryCount < maxRetries)
                Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                Console.WriteLine($"{sMsg} - Connection successful - Time (ms): {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
                return connection;
            catch (SqlException ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Connection attempt {retryCount} failed. Retrying in {delayMs / 1000} seconds...{ex.Message}");
                Thread.Sleep(delayMs); // Wait before retrying

        return null; 

    static void Log(string message)
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(LogFile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                    writer.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")}: {message}");
        catch (IOException ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error writing in the log file: {ex.Message}");

    static Config LoadConfiguration(string path)
            string jsonString = File.ReadAllText(path);
            return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Config>(jsonString);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error reading configuration: {ex.Message}");
            return null;

    static void CompareWaitStats(DataTable waitStatsTable, SqlCommand commandWaitStats, SqlDataAdapter adapterWaitStats, ref List<WaitStat> previousWaitStats)


        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Error executing wait stats query: {ex.Message}");

        // Convert DataTable to List<WaitStat>
        List<WaitStat> currentWaitStats = waitStatsTable.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new WaitStat
            WaitType = row["wait_type"].ToString(),
            WaitingTasksCount = Convert.ToInt64(row["waiting_tasks_count"]),
            WaitTimeMs = Convert.ToInt64(row["wait_time_ms"]),
            MaxWaitTimeMs = Convert.ToInt64(row["max_wait_time_ms"]),
            SignalWaitTimeMs = Convert.ToInt64(row["signal_wait_time_ms"])

        // If the array is empty, fill it and exit
        if (previousWaitStats == null || previousWaitStats.Count == 0)
            previousWaitStats = currentWaitStats;

            foreach (var currentStat in currentWaitStats)
                long deltaWaitingTasks = currentStat.WaitingTasksCount;
                long deltaWaitTimeMs = currentStat.WaitTimeMs;
                long deltaMaxWaitTimeMs = currentStat.MaxWaitTimeMs;
                long deltaSignalWaitTimeMs = currentStat.SignalWaitTimeMs;

                if (deltaWaitingTasks != 0 || deltaWaitTimeMs != 0 || deltaMaxWaitTimeMs != 0 || deltaSignalWaitTimeMs != 0)
                    Log($"Wait Type: {currentStat.WaitType}");
                    Log($"Delta Waiting Tasks: {deltaWaitingTasks}");
                    Log($"Delta Wait Time (ms): {deltaWaitTimeMs}");
                    Log($"Delta Max Wait Time (ms): {deltaMaxWaitTimeMs}");
                    Log($"Delta Signal Wait Time (ms): {deltaSignalWaitTimeMs}");


        // If the array is not empty, compare the current values with the previous ones
        foreach (var currentStat in currentWaitStats)
            var previousStat = previousWaitStats.FirstOrDefault(p => p.WaitType == currentStat.WaitType);
            if (previousStat != null)
                // Calculate the deltas (differences)
                long deltaWaitingTasks = currentStat.WaitingTasksCount - previousStat.WaitingTasksCount;
                long deltaWaitTimeMs = currentStat.WaitTimeMs - previousStat.WaitTimeMs;
                long deltaMaxWaitTimeMs = currentStat.MaxWaitTimeMs - previousStat.MaxWaitTimeMs;
                long deltaSignalWaitTimeMs = currentStat.SignalWaitTimeMs - previousStat.SignalWaitTimeMs;

                // Display the differences
                if (deltaWaitingTasks != 0 || deltaWaitTimeMs != 0 || deltaMaxWaitTimeMs != 0 || deltaSignalWaitTimeMs != 0)
                    Log($"Wait Type: {currentStat.WaitType}");
                    Log($"Delta Waiting Tasks: {deltaWaitingTasks}");
                    Log($"Delta Wait Time (ms): {deltaWaitTimeMs}");
                    Log($"Delta Max Wait Time (ms): {deltaMaxWaitTimeMs}");
                    Log($"Delta Signal Wait Time (ms): {deltaSignalWaitTimeMs}");

        // Update the array with the new data
        previousWaitStats = currentWaitStats;



To connect to the database, you can use any method. For example, I am using a JSON file with the details, but you can also use AKV (Azure Key Vault), EntraID, etc.


This is an example of the information that I retrieved. 



2024-09-09 15:24:05.247: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-09-09 15:24:05.384:           Time (ms): 129 Rows: 134 Data Size (MB): 25.52
2024-09-09 15:24:05.736:           Time (ms): 338 Rows: 402 Data Size (MB): 76.84
2024-09-09 15:24:06.210:           Time (ms): 461 Rows: 523 Data Size (MB): 99.92
2024-09-09 15:24:07.078:           Time (ms): 846 Rows: 738 Data Size (MB): 142.49
2024-09-09 15:24:07.902:           Time (ms): 801 Rows: 884 Data Size (MB): 170.75
2024-09-09 15:24:07.904: ------------------------------- Average after 370 GUIDs -------------------------------
2024-09-09 15:24:07.905: Average time per query (ms): 515
2024-09-09 15:24:07.906: Average rows per query: 536.2
2024-09-09 15:24:07.907: Average data size per query (MB): 103.10
2024-09-09 15:24:07.909: Wait Type: ASYNC_NETWORK_IO
2024-09-09 15:24:07.910: Delta Waiting Tasks: 3362
2024-09-09 15:24:07.910: Delta Wait Time (ms): 1553
2024-09-09 15:24:07.911: Delta Max Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.912: Delta Signal Wait Time (ms): 40
2024-09-09 15:24:07.914: Wait Type: MEMORY_ALLOCATION_EXT
2024-09-09 15:24:07.915: Delta Waiting Tasks: 12
2024-09-09 15:24:07.916: Delta Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.916: Delta Max Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.918: Delta Signal Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.931: Wait Type: RESERVED_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_EXT
2024-09-09 15:24:07.934: Delta Waiting Tasks: 2
2024-09-09 15:24:07.934: Delta Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.935: Delta Max Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.936: Delta Signal Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.937: Wait Type: SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD
2024-09-09 15:24:07.937: Delta Waiting Tasks: 1
2024-09-09 15:24:07.938: Delta Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.939: Delta Max Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.940: Delta Signal Wait Time (ms): 0
2024-09-09 15:24:07.941: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-09-09 15:24:08.211:           Time (ms): 260 Rows: 298 Data Size (MB): 56.50
2024-09-09 15:24:08.956:           Time (ms): 723 Rows: 771 Data Size (MB): 148.92
2024-09-09 15:24:09.016:           Time (ms): 54 Rows: 68 Data Size (MB): 12.43
2024-09-09 15:24:09.194:           Time (ms): 164 Rows: 196 Data Size (MB): 37.55
2024-09-09 15:24:09.494:           Time (ms): 292 Rows: 266 Data Size (MB): 50.43




This script is provided for educational and testing purposes only. It is designed to demonstrate database performance monitoring and data handling in Azure SQL Database.

Before running this script in a production environment, ensure that you understand its functionality, potential impact on performance, and security implications, especially when dealing with sensitive data. Always test in a controlled, non-production environment before applying changes in production systems.

Updated Sep 09, 2024
Version 1.0
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