Lesson Learned #484: Database Performance Monitoring with PowerShell and ReadScale-Out Environments
Published May 10 2024 01:20 PM 1,591 Views

Today, I handled a service request from our customer seeking additional information on performance monitoring for ReadScale-Out in Azure SQL Database. They needed details on how to find missing indexes, query statistics, and more.

I created this PowerShell script that works for both Elastic Database Pools and standalone databases, executing multiple queries for monitorin


The following PowerShell script connects to a read-only replica, retrieves performance data, and stores it for future analysis. This article will guide you through the steps required to implement this script in your own environment and could be possible to use for Single Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Elastic Pool or Azure SQL Managed Instance. 


  • Check if the statistics

    • If number of rows in the statistics is different of rows_sampled.
    • If we have more than 15 days that the statistics have been updated.
  • Check if the statistics associated to any index is:

    • If number of rows in the statistics is different of rows_sampled.
    • If we have more than 15 days that the statistics have been updated.
  • Check if MAXDOP is 0

  • Check if we have missing indexes
  • Obtain resource usage per database.
  • Total amount of space and rows per schema and table name

  • Query stats summary.


Basically we need to configure the parameters:



  • $server = "xxxxx.database.windows.net" // Azure SQL Server name
  • $user = "xxxxxx" // User Name
  • $passwordSecure = "xxxxxx" // Password
  • $Db = "xxxxxx" // Database Name, if you type the value ALL, all databases will be checked.
  • $Folder = $true // Folder where the log file will be generated with all the issues found.
  • DropExisting =value 1 or 0, if the previous files located on Destinatio folder will be deleted every time that you execute the process.
  • ElasticDBPoolName. PowerShell Script will check all the databases that are associated with this elastic database pool (only for Azure SQL Database).




  • Create a subfolder with date and time used in every execution
  • PerfChecker.Log = Contains all the issues found.
  • Every check done will save two files
    • Extension .Txt that contains the report of the operation done.
    • Extension .task that contains a possible mitigation about the issue found.




# Application: ReadScale-Out Performance Checker
# Propose: Inform about performance recomendations for ReadScale-Out
# Checks:
#    1) Check if the statistics
#        If number of rows in the statistics is different of rows_sampled.
#        If we have more than 15 days that the statistics have been updated.
#    2) Check if we have any auto-tuning recomendations
#    3) Check if the statistics associated to any index is:
#       If number of rows in the statistics is different of rows_sampled.
#       If we have more than 15 days that the statistics have been updated.
#    4) Check if MAXDOP is 0
#    5) Check if we have missing indexes (SQL Server Instance)
#    6) Obtain resource usage per database.
#    7) Total amount of space and rows per table.
#    😎 Query Stats summary
# Outcomes: 
#    In the folder specified in $Folder variable we are going to have a file called PerfChecker.Log that contains all the operations done 
#    and issues found. Also, we are going to have a file per database and check done with the results gathered.
#    Every time that the process is executed it is created a new subfolder.

param($server = "myserver.database.windows.net", #ServerName parameter to connect,for example, myserver.database.windows.net
      $user = "username", #UserName parameter  to connect
      $passwordSecure = "pwd!", #Password Parameter  to connect
      $Db = "DBName", #DBName Parameter  to connect. Type ALL to check all the databases running in the server
      $Folder = "c:\SQLDAta", #Folder Parameter to save the log and solution files, for example, c:\PerfChecker
      $DropExisting=1, #Drop (1) the previous file saved in the folder with extensions .csv, .txt, .task !=1 = leave the files
      $ElasticDBPoolName = "dbPoolName") #Name of the elastic DB Pool if you want to filter only by elastic DB Pool.

# Check the statistics status
# 1.- Review if number of rows is different of rows_sampled
# 2.- Review if we have more than 15 days that the statistics have been updated.
function CheckStatistics($connection,$FileName, $FileNameLogSolution , $iTimeOut)
   logMsg( "---- Checking Statistics health (Started) (REF: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/update-statistics-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15)---- " ) (1) $true $FileName 
   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "SELECT sp.stats_id, stat.name, o.name, filter_definition, last_updated, rows, rows_sampled, steps, unfiltered_rows, modification_counter,  DATEDIFF(DAY, last_updated , getdate()) AS Diff, schema_name(o.schema_id) as SchemaName
                           FROM sys.stats AS stat   
                           Inner join sys.objects o on stat.object_id=o.object_id
                           CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_stats_properties(stat.object_id, stat.stats_id) AS sp  
                           WHERE o.type = 'U' AND stat.auto_created ='1' or stat.user_created='1' order by o.name, stat.name"
  $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader(); 
     if( $Reader.GetValue(5) -gt $Reader.GetValue(6)) #If number rows is different rows_sampled
       logMsg("Possible outdated (Rows_Sampled is less than rows of the table):".PadRight(100," ") + " of " + ($Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"."+ ($Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + " " + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString())).PadRight(400," "))  (2) $true $FileName 
       logSolution("UPDATE STATISTICS [" + $Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"].["+ $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + "]([" + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString() + "]) WITH FULLSCAN") $FileNameLogSolution
     if( TestEmpty($Reader.GetValue(10))) {}
      if($Reader.GetValue(10) -gt 15) #if we have more than 15 days since the lastest update.
       logMsg("Possible outdated (15 days since the latest update):".PadRight(100," ") + " of " + ($Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"."+ ($Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + " " + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString())).PadRight(400," ")) (2) $true $FileName
       logSolution("UPDATE STATISTICS [" + $Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"].["+ $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + "]([" + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString() + "]) WITH FULLSCAN") $FileNameLogSolution

   logMsg( "---- Checking Statistics health (Finished) ---- " ) (1) $true -$FileName 
   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run statistics health checker..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2) $true $FileName 
    return 0


# Check missing indexes.

function CheckMissingIndexes($connection ,$FileName, $FileNameLogSolution , $iTimeOut)
   logMsg( "---- Checking Missing Indexes (Started) Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-dynamic-management-views/sys-dm-db-missing-index-groups-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15 ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName
   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "SELECT CONVERT (varchar, getdate(), 126) AS runtime,
                           CONVERT (decimal (28,1), migs.avg_total_user_cost * migs.avg_user_impact *
                           (migs.user_seeks + migs.user_scans)) AS improvement_measure,
                           REPLACE(REPLACE('CREATE INDEX missing_index_' + CONVERT (varchar, mig.index_group_handle) + '_' +
                           CONVERT (varchar, mid.index_handle) + ' ON ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(mid.statement,CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13), ' '),'  ',''))) + 
                           '(' + ISNULL (mid.equality_columns,'')
                           + CASE WHEN mid.equality_columns IS NOT NULL
                              AND mid.inequality_columns IS NOT NULL
                           THEN ',' ELSE '' END + ISNULL (mid.inequality_columns, '')
                           + ')'
                           + ISNULL (' INCLUDE (' + mid.included_columns + ')', ''), CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13), ' ') AS create_index_statement,
                           FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups AS mig
                           INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats AS migs
                           ON migs.group_handle = mig.index_group_handle
                           INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_details AS mid
                           ON mig.index_handle = mid.index_handle
                           ORDER BY migs.avg_total_user_cost * migs.avg_user_impact * (migs.user_seeks + migs.user_scans) DESC"
   $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
   $Content  = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
     #Obtain the columns only
     if($bCol -eq $false)
      for ($iColumn=0; $iColumn -lt $Reader.FieldCount; $iColumn++) 
       $ColName=$ColName + $Reader.GetName($iColumn).ToString().Replace("\t"," ").Replace("\n"," ").Replace("\r"," ").Replace("\r\n","").Trim() + " || "

    #Obtain the values of every missing indexes 
    for ($iColumn=0; $iColumn -lt $Reader.FieldCount; $iColumn++) 
      $TmpContent= $TmpContent + $Reader.GetValue($iColumn).ToString().Replace("\t"," ").Replace("\n"," ").Replace("\r"," ").Replace("\r\n","").Trim()  + " || "
     $Content.Add($TmpContent) | Out-null
     logMsg( "---- Missing Indexes found ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName
     logMsg( $ColName.Replace("\t","").Replace("\n","").Replace("\r","") ) (1) $true $FileName $false 
     for ($iColumn=0; $iColumn -lt $Content.Count; $iColumn++)  
      logMsg( $Content[$iColumn].Replace("\t","").Replace("\n","").Replace("\r","").Replace("\r\n","").Trim() ) (1) $true $FileName $false 
   logMsg( "---- Checking missing indexes (Finished) ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName
   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run missing indexes..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2) $true $FileName
    return 0


# Check if the statistics associated to any index is: 
# 1.- Review if number of rows is different of rows_sampled
# 2.- Review if we have more than 15 days that the statistics have been updated.

function CheckIndexesAndStatistics($connection, $FileName, $FileNameLogSolution , $iTimeOut )
   logMsg( "---- Checking Indexes and Statistics health (Started) - Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/update-statistics-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15 -" ) (1) $true $FileName 
   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "SELECT ind.index_id, ind.name, o.name, stat.filter_definition, sp.last_updated, sp.rows, sp.rows_sampled, sp.steps, sp.unfiltered_rows, sp.modification_counter,  DATEDIFF(DAY, last_updated , getdate()) AS Diff, schema_name(o.schema_id) as SchemaName,*
                           from sys.indexes ind
	                       Inner join sys.objects o on ind.object_id=o.object_id
	                       inner join sys.stats stat on stat.object_id=o.object_id and stat.stats_id = ind.index_id
                           CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_stats_properties(stat.object_id, stat.stats_id) AS sp  
                           WHERE o.type = 'U'  order by o.name, stat.name"
  $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader();
     if( $Reader.GetValue(5) -gt $Reader.GetValue(6)) #If number rows is different rows_sampled
      logMsg("Possible outdated - (Rows_Sampled is less than rows of the table):".PadRight(100," ") + " of " + ($Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"."+ $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + " " + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString()).PadRight(400," ")) (2) $true $FileName 
      logSolution("ALTER INDEX [" + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString() + "] ON [" + $Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"].["+ $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + "] REBUILD") $FileNameLogSolution
     if( TestEmpty($Reader.GetValue(10))) {}
      if($Reader.GetValue(10) -gt 15)
       logMsg("Possible outdated - (15 days since the latest update):".PadRight(100," ") + " of " + ($Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"."+ $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + " " + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString()).PadRight(400," ")) (2) $true $FileName 
       logSolution("ALTER INDEX [" + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString() + "] ON [" + $Reader.GetValue(11).ToString() +"].["+ $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString() + "] REBUILD") $FileNameLogSolution

   logMsg( "---- Checking Indexes and Statistics health (Finished) ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName 
   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run Indexes and statistics health checker..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2) $true $FileName 
    return 0


# Check if MAXDOP is 0 

function CheckScopeConfiguration($connection ,$FileName, $FileNameLogSolution , $iTimeOut)
   logMsg( "---- Checking Scoped Configurations ---- Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-catalog-views/sys-database-scoped-configurations-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15" ) (1) $true $FileName
   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "select * from sys.database_scoped_configurations"
   $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader(); 
     if( $Reader.GetValue(1) -eq "MAXDOP")
      if( $Reader.GetValue(2) -eq 0)
       logMsg("You have MAXDOP with value 0" ) (2) $true $FileName
   logMsg( "---- Checking Scoped Configurations (Finished) ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName
   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run Scoped Configurations..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2) $true $FileName
    return 0 


#Function to connect to the database using a retry-logic

Function GiveMeConnectionSource($DBs)
  for ($i=1; $i -lt 10; $i++)
      logMsg( "Connecting to the database..." + $DBs + ". Attempt #" + $i) (1)
      $SQLConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection 
      $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = "Server="+$server+";Database="+$Dbs+";User ID="+$user+";Password="+$password+";Connection Timeout=60;Application Name=ReadScaleOut Collector;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly" 
      logMsg("Connected to the database.." + $DBs) (1)
      return $SQLConnection
    logMsg("Not able to connect - " + $DBs + " - Retrying the connection..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2)
    Start-Sleep -s 5

#Create a folder 
Function CreateFolder
  Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)]$Folder ) 
    $FileExists = Test-Path $Folder
    if($FileExists -eq $False)
     $result = New-Item $Folder -type directory 
     if($result -eq $null)
      logMsg("Imposible to create the folder " + $Folder) (2)
      return $false
    return $true
   return $false

#Create a folder 
Function DeleteFile{ 
  Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)]$FileName ) 
    $FileExists = Test-Path $FileNAme
    if($FileExists -eq $True)
     Remove-Item -Path $FileName -Force 
    return $true 
   return $false

#Log the operations
function logMsg
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
         [string] $msg,
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
         [int] $Color,
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
         [boolean] $Show=$true, 
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
         [string] $sFileName,
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)]
         [boolean] $bShowDate=$true

    if($bShowDate -eq $true)
      $Fecha = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
      $msg = $Fecha + " " + $msg
    If( TestEmpty($SFileName) )
      Write-Output $msg | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append
      Write-Output $msg | Out-File -FilePath $sFileName -Append
    $BackGround = 
    If($Color -eq 1 )
      $Colores ="Cyan"
    If($Color -eq 3 )
      $Colores ="Yellow"

     if($Color -eq 2 -And $Show -eq $true)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red $msg 
       if($Show -eq $true)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Colores $msg 

    Write-Host $msg 

#Log the solution
function logSolution
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
         [string] $msg,
         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
         [string] $sFileName
    Write-Output $msg | Out-File -FilePath $sFileName -Append
    Write-Host $msg 

#The Folder Include "\" or not???

function GiveMeFolderName([Parameter(Mandatory)]$FolderSalida)
    $Pos = $FolderSalida.Substring($FolderSalida.Length-1,1)
    If( $Pos -ne "\" )
     {return $FolderSalida + "\"}
     {return $FolderSalida}
    return $FolderSalida

#Validate Param
function TestEmpty($s)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($s))
    return $true;
    return $false;


function GiveMeSeparator
    $Pos = $Text.IndexOf($Separator)
    $return.Text= $Text.substring(0, $Pos) 
    $return.Remaining = $Text.substring( $Pos+1 ) 
    return $Return
    $return.Text= $Text
    $return.Remaining = ""
    return $Return

Function Remove-InvalidFileNameChars {


return [RegEx]::Replace($Name, "[{0}]" -f ([RegEx]::Escape([String][System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars())), '')}

function Replace-SpacesInRange {
    param (

    # Replace matched spaces with a single space
    $OutputString = ($InputString -replace "\s+"," ")

    return $OutputString

# Check the rows, space used, allocated and numbers of tables. 
function CheckStatusPerTable($connection ,$FileName, $iTimeOut)
   logMsg( "---- Checking Status per Table ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName 

   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "SELECT s.Name + '.' + t.name,
                                  SUM(p.rows) AS RowCounts,
                                  SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB, 
                                  SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB, 
                                 (SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages)) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB
                            sys.tables t
                        INNER JOIN      
                            sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id
                        INNER JOIN 
                            sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id
                        INNER JOIN 
                            sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN 
                            sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id
                        WHERE t.is_ms_shipped = 0
                            AND i.OBJECT_ID > 255 
                        GROUP BY 
                            s.Name + '.' + t.name"
  $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader(); 
  $StringReport = "Table                                                                                               "
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Rows                        "                   
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Space                       "                  
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Used                        "                   
  logMsg($StringReport) (1) $false $FileName -bShowDate $false
    $lTotalRows = $Reader.GetValue(1)
    $lTotalSpace = $Reader.GetValue(2)
    $lTotalUsed = $Reader.GetValue(3)
    $lTotalUnUsed = $Reader.GetValue(4)
    $StringReport = $Reader.GetValue(0).ToString().PadRight(100).Substring(0,99) + " "
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalRows.ToString('N0').PadLeft(20) + " " 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalSpace.ToString('N0').PadLeft(20)  + " "
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalUsed.ToString('N0').PadLeft(20)  
    logMsg($StringReport) (1) $false $FileName -bShowDate $false

   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run Checking Status per Table..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2)
    return 0


# Check query stats and obtain execution count, cpu_time, logical_reads, etc.. per query 
function CheckQueryStats($connection ,$FileName, $iTimeOut)
   logMsg( "---- Checking Query Stats ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName 

   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "SELECT 
                           qs.total_worker_time AS cpu_time,
                           qs.total_logical_reads  AS avg_logical_reads,
                           qs.total_logical_writes AS avg_logical_writes,
                           qs.total_physical_reads AS avg_physical_reads,
                           qs.total_elapsed_time AS avg_elapsed_time,
                           st.text AS query_text
                           FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
                           CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st"
  $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader(); 
  $StringReport = "Execution Count      "
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "CPU Time             "                   
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Logical Reads        "                  
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Logical Writes       "                   
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Physical Writes      "                   
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Elapsed Time         "                   
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "TSQL                 "                   
  logMsg($StringReport) (1) $false $FileName -bShowDate $false
    $TSQL = $Reader.GetValue(6).ToString().Trim()
    $cleanedString = Replace-SpacesInRange -InputString $TSQL 
    $StringReport = $Reader.GetValue(0).ToString('N0').ToString().PadLeft(20) + " "
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $Reader.GetValue(1).ToString('N0').PadLeft(20) + " " 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $Reader.GetValue(2).ToString('N0').PadLeft(20) + " "
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $Reader.GetValue(3).ToString('N0').PadLeft(20) + " " 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $Reader.GetValue(4).ToString('N0').PadLeft(20) + " " 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $Reader.GetValue(5).ToString('N0').PadLeft(20) + " " 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $cleanedString  
    logMsg($StringReport) (1) $false $FileName -bShowDate $false

   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run Checking Query Stats.." + $Error[0].Exception) (2)
    return 0


# Show the performance counters of the database

function CheckStatusPerResource($connection,$FileName, $iTimeOut)
   logMsg( "---- Checking Status per Resources ---- " ) (1) $true $FileName
   $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $command.CommandTimeout = $iTimeOut
   $command.CommandText = "select end_time, avg_cpu_percent, avg_data_io_percent, avg_log_write_percent, avg_memory_usage_percent, max_worker_percent from sys.dm_db_resource_stats order by end_time desc"

  $Reader = $command.ExecuteReader(); 
  $StringReport = "Time                 "
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Avg_Cpu    "
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Avg_DataIO "
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Avg_Log    "              
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Avg_Memory "                   
  $StringReport = $StringReport + "Max_Workers"                  

  logMsg($StringReport) (1) $false $FileName -bShowDate $false
    $lTotalCPU = $Reader.GetValue(1)
    $lTotalDataIO = $Reader.GetValue(2)
    $lTotalLog = $Reader.GetValue(3)
    $lTotalMemory = $Reader.GetValue(4)
    $lTotalWorkers = $Reader.GetValue(5)
    $StringReport = $Reader.GetValue(0).ToString().PadLeft(20) + " "
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalCPU.ToString('N2').PadLeft(10) + " "
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalDataIO.ToString('N2').PadLeft(10) 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalLog.ToString('N2').PadLeft(10) 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalMemory.ToString('N2').PadLeft(10) 
    $StringReport = $StringReport + $lTotalWorkers.ToString('N2').PadLeft(10) 
    logMsg($StringReport) (1) $false $FileName -bShowDate $false

   return $Item
    logMsg("Not able to run Checking Status per Resources..." + $Error[0].Exception) (2) $true $FileName
    return 0


function sGiveMeFileName{
      return $FolderV + $DBAccess + $File 
  catch {
    return "_UnKnow.csv" 


#Check the parameters.

if (TestEmpty($server)) { $server = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a Server Name" }
if (TestEmpty($user))  { $user = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a User Name"   }
if (TestEmpty($passwordSecure))  
    $passwordSecure = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a password"  -assecurestring  
    $password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($passwordSecure))
    {$password = $passwordSecure} 
if (TestEmpty($Db))  { $Db = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a Database Name, type ALL to check all databases"  }
if (TestEmpty($Folder)) {  $Folder = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a Destination Folder (Don't include the last \) - Example c:\PerfChecker" }

$DbsArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() 


#Run the process

$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
$Folder = $Folder +"\" + $timestamp + "\" 

logMsg("Creating the folder " + $Folder) (1)
   $result = CreateFolder($Folder) #Creating the folder that we are going to have the results, log and zip.
   If( $result -eq $false)
     logMsg("Was not possible to create the folder") (2)
logMsg("Created the folder " + $Folder) (1)

$sFolderV = GiveMeFolderName($Folder) #Creating a correct folder adding at the end \.

$LogFile = $sFolderV + "PerfChecker.Log"                  #Logging the operations.

logMsg("Deleting Operation Log file") (1)
   $result = DeleteFile($LogFile)         #Delete Log file
logMsg("Deleted Operation Log file") (1)

logMsg("-------------------- Header Filter details --------------") (1)
logMsg("  ServerName:           " + $server) (1)
logMsg("  DB Filter :           " + $DB) (1)
logMsg("  Folder    :           " + $Folder) (1)
logMsg("  Delete Files:         " + $DropExisting) (1)
logMsg("  Elastic DB Pool Name: " + $ElasticDBPoolName) (1)
logMsg("-------------------- Footer Filter details --------------") (1)

if( $DropExisting -eq 1)
    foreach ($f in ((Get-ChildItem -Path $sFolderV))) 
        if($f.Extension -in (".txt") -or $f.Extension -in (".task") )
            logMsg("Deleting Operation file: " + $f.FullName) (1)
            $result = DeleteFile($f.FullName)
            logMsg("Deleted Operation file: " + $f.FullName) (1)

if($Db -eq "ALL")

   $SQLConnectionSource = GiveMeConnectionSource "master" #Connecting to the database.
   if($SQLConnectionSource -eq $null)
     logMsg("It is not possible to connect to the database") (2)
   $commandDB = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
   $commandDB.CommandTimeout = 6000
     $commandDB.CommandText = "SELECT name from sys.databases where database_id >=5 order by name"
     $commandDB.CommandText = "SELECT d.name as DatabaseName FROM sys.databases d inner join sys.database_service_objectives dso on d.database_id = dso.database_id WHERE dso.elastic_pool_name = '" + $ElasticDBPoolName + "' ORDER BY d.name"
   $ReaderDB = $commandDB.ExecuteReader(); 
      logMsg("Database Name selected:" + $ReaderDB.GetValue(0).ToString()) (1)


 for($iDBs=0;$iDBs -lt $DbsArray.Count; $iDBs=$iDBs+1)
   logMsg("Connecting to database.." + $DbsArray[$iDBs]) (1) 
   $SQLConnectionSource = GiveMeConnectionSource($DbsArray[$iDBs]) #Connecting to the database.
   if($SQLConnectionSource -eq $null)
     logMsg("It is not possible to connect to the database " + $DbsArray[$iDBs] ) (2)

     logMsg("Connected to database.." + $DbsArray[$iDBs]) (1) 


     $CheckStatistics = CheckStatistics $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckStatistics.Txt") ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckStatistics.Task") (3600)
     $CheckIndexesAndStatistics = CheckIndexesAndStatistics $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckIndexesStatistics.Txt") ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckIndexesStatistics.Task") (3600)
     $CheckMissingIndexes = CheckMissingIndexes $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckMissingIndexes.Txt") ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckMissingIndexes.Task") (3600)
     $CheckScopeConfiguration = CheckScopeConfiguration $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckScopeConfiguration.Txt") ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_CheckScopeConfiguration.Task") (3600)
     $CheckStatusPerResource = CheckStatusPerResource $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_ResourceUsage.Txt") (3600)
     $CheckStatusPerTable = CheckStatusPerTable $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_TableSize.Txt") (3600)
     $CheckQueryStats=CheckQueryStats $SQLConnectionSource ($sFolderV + $FileName + "_QueryStats.Txt") (3600)
     $TotalCheckStatusPerResource = $TotalCheckStatusPerResource + $CheckStatusPerResource
     $TotalCheckStatusPerTable = $TotalCheckStatusPerTable + $CheckStatusPerTable
   logMsg("Closing the connection and summary for.....  : " + $DbsArray[$iDBs]) (3)
   logMsg("Number of Issues with statistics             : " + $CheckStatistics )  (1)
   logMsg("Number of Issues with statistics/indexes     : " + $CheckIndexesAndStatistics )  (1)
   logMsg("Number of Issues with Scoped Configuration   : " + $CheckScopeConfiguration )  (1)
   logMsg("Number of Issues with Missing Indexes        : " + $CheckMissingIndexes )  (1)
   logMsg("Number of Resource Usage                     : " + $CheckStatusPerResource )  (1)
   logMsg("Number of Tables Usage                       : " + $CheckStatusPerTable )  (1)
   logMsg("Number of Query stats                        : " + $CheckQueryStats )  (1)
 Remove-Variable password
 logMsg("ReadScale-Out Performance Collector Script was executed correctly")  (3)
 logMsg("Total Number of Issues with statistics             : " + $TotalCheckStatistics )  (1)
 logMsg("Total Number of Issues with statistics/indexes     : " + $TotalCheckIndexesAndStatistics )  (1)
 logMsg("Total Number of Issues with Scoped Configuration   : " + $TotalCheckScopeConfiguration )  (1)
 logMsg("Total Number of Issues with Missing Indexes        : " + $TotalCheckMissingIndexes )  (1)
 logMsg("Total Number of Resource Usage                     : " + $TotalCheckStatusPerResource )  (1)
 logMsg("Total Number of Tables Usage                       : " + $TotalCheckStatusPerTable )  (1)
 logMsg("Total Number of Query Stats                        : " + $TotalCheckQueryStats )  (1)

    logMsg("ReadScale-Out Performance Collector Script was executed incorrectly ..: " + $Error[0].Exception) (2)
   logMsg("ReadScale-Out Performance Collector Script finished - Check the previous status line to know if it was success or not") (2)


Disclaimer: This script is provided as an example and should be used at the user's own risk. It must be thoroughly tested before being used in a production environment.

Version history
Last update:
‎May 10 2024 06:20 AM
Updated by: