Modern attachments just got better


Look at all the new options we have to configure the permissions: company-wide links, guest links, direct links.




The Permissions options are now updated to account for the External sharing settings in the organization. So you can for example disable Guest links, and the "anyone" checkboxes will disappear. Also, the default permissions stamped on the attachment will also respect the settings configured in SPO.

12 Replies

Didn't we have these options earlier? They are displayed differently, moving them to a side panel rather than the drop down menu below the attachment. Though I do like the words used to describe anonymous guest links. "Anyone" can view, or edit. 

At least to me is completely new :)
Great stuff, just tried it out. Thanks for sharing.

Can an organization configure a default?  Many customers would like to set "Recipients Can View" as the default setting for all users across all Outlook experiences.

I asked the same question when the feature was showcased on one of the MVP calls, the answer was that you should be able to set this via selecting the appropriate sharing controls in SPO. While you can sure set the default link type to be "direct recipients only", the "edit" setting seems to only effect anonymous links. In other words, I havent been able to configure it like that, but I thought it was just me...

It should be (very!) fine if the default sharing links for SPO/ODfB were honored, but unfortunately they aren't at all.

In fact, I have anonymous - view only as default, but in OWA I get anyone in my organization can edit as default...

I'm specifically asking about internal sharing (all users in the same tenant vs. External Sharing).  I see the various controls around external sharing, but customers would also like to control the experience for users working with each other.

What's the sharing level you have though? In my tests I couldnt get it to respect the "view-only" part, but the "sharing scope" settings was respected.

Nope. As I said, I have anonymous - view only as default sharing setting, but in OWA I get anyone in my organization can edit as default for attachments...


Thank you for sharing it was not in my knowledge box :) Now have it by your post

What I meant is the level of the "sharing scope" option on top. As you are not seeing the "anyone" setting as default, I assume you dont have guest links enabled? Thus it respects at least that section.


I've checked with the engineer that presented this feature to the MVPs, he will forward the feedback to the relevant teams so hopefully we get a real "read-only by default" option in the future.

Any word from that Engineer?