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Microsoft Teams Blog

Update! Presence now respects a user's coexistence mode

Rahul Kayala's avatar
Rahul Kayala
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Oct 30, 2018

Based on customer feedback, we are updating how presence works when organizations are using both Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business.  With this update, routing and presence are fully aligned. To ensure that routing follows presence, presence publishing is now based on a user’s coexistence mode

If a user is in TeamsOnly mode, then any other user, whether in Teams or Skype for Business, will see presence based on the user’s activity in Teams.

If a user is in any of these modes: SfbOnly, SfbWithTeamsCollab, SfbWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings – then any other user, whether in Teams or Skype for Business, will see presence based on the user’s activity in Skype for Business.

If a user is in Islands or Legacy mode, presence is independent and the values need not match.


  • From Teams, any other user within the same tenant will see presence based on that Island user’s activity in Teams. Chat and calls from Teams users in same tenant to that Islands user will land in Teams.
  • From Teams, any other user in a federated tenant will see presence based on the user’s activity in Skype for Business. Chats and calls from Teams users in a federated tenant to that Islands user will land in Skype for Business. 
  • From Skype for Business, any other user will see presence based on the user’s activity in Skype for Business.

Please note that If a recipient you previously had a conversation thread with is subsequently upgraded to Teams, that thread will no longer reflect accurate presence and will no longer be routable. You should start a new thread.

You can find more information about co-existence modes here



Updated Jan 26, 2021
Version 5.0