Power BI Object Model Turning off the Calculation

Copper Contributor

I am using VBA in Excel and the PowerBi Object Model to Automate the creation of my DAX Measures within the Power Pivot Model.


i.e. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba/excel-vba/articles/about-the-powerpivot-model-object-in-excel


The Problem I am Experiencing is that, Every Call to the Measure create Method Recalculates the Model , So as the Model Grows the Execution Takes longer and Longer as it Recalculates the Model after every Addition and each time the Recalculate is incrementally longer.


Is there a way to Disable the Recalculation, so that all measures can be added without recalculating the model and then Recalculate the Model Once at the end?

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