Word Blocked Macros
We created some macros to fill in a Word document according to information provided by a third party software called Protheus. The macros were working perfectly, but as of last week, after some Windows/Office update, the macros were blocked by the system and we couldn't use them anymore.
All macros are saved locally on the pc of the person using it.
We already went to the properties of the files and unlocked.
In the Word Trust Center options, we added the macro paths as trusted, including subfolders.
We set it to run all macros.
We have disabled the protection mode for executing files from the internet.
Even with all these settings, it still gives error.
Error Message: Microsoft Office has identified a potential security issue. Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is not trusted.
File Path: C:\Users\(my user)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\~WRC0001.tmp
Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is not trusted.
The error message path is one of the only ones we couldn't put as trusted, Word doesn't allow to add it as trusted.
Macros are saved in two folders: C:\sc and C:\contrato