Forum Discussion

falcios's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 06, 2023

Hyperlink that are specified to my PC go to the web


Today, I tried hyperlinks that previously worked before and now they're not working.

The path for the folder is
d:\test\tech\dell\dell configurations

When I click on the link it opens up in a tab on the Internet.

I created a share for the folder, and it worked. I checked permissions and I have full rights to the folder.

I also tried each one separately of the following syntax for the path
"d:\sfd\tech\dell\dell configurations"
<d:\sfd\tech\dell\dell configurations>

I decided to change the folder name to Dell Configs and it seemed to work. I want to keep the original name if possible.

Any idea what is happening with these hyperlinks, and how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance.

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