Forum Discussion

josephboban's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 02, 2021

Windows 10 Clients stops reporting to WSUS Console

Hello Team..

Some of the windows 10 clients stopped reporting to WSUS console..
If i rename the Software Distribution Folder and then force to report it will report back to WSUS console,but after a couple of days it will stop reporting ,again if i delete and Software Distribution Folder it will report back for a few days
and this keep happening ,This is happening for some of the clients

Please suggest..

Thanks and Regards

  • Hi Joseph, is it possible for you to share WU logs or any other diagnostic information that could be useful from the affected device?

    Feel free to use:

    Also, can you share the exact steps which can be used to reproduce the issue?

    • josephboban's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Client 1 is reporting to WSUS correctly and updating.. after 3-4 days will stop doing the status reporting..,even at this time it will download and install any new updates approved.. without reporting. to make the client 1 report back to WSUS delete the Software Distribution folder or Delete the contents of it.. it will do status report back after some time again after 2-4 days it will stop doing status report, we had already blocked access to update locations on the internet via GPO
    • josephboban's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Ritvik_Raj hello.. will try that.. just to give an update we have observed on other clients where its working the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache.v2 is having only 1 or 2 files but on the problematic once there are many and its not getting cleared or purged...


  • make sure you have your SSL / TLS 1.2 config right there is an article on techcommunity that I have commented from the WSUS team
    • josephboban's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      The machines were never cloned... forgot to mention last time "these machines which are not status reporting will still download and install updates.." and in WSUS console the last contact time is up to date,but last status report time will not change and will show as stale after 7 days.. and if i removed the contents again this repeats..

    • josephboban's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you for your reply.. we have not enabled ssl on our WSUS..
