Forum Discussion
Oct 19, 2023Copper Contributor
how to change default placement of microsoft store apps on taskbar?
These are my settings:
can you tell me why microsoft store applications are always shown on windows 11 monitor PRIME taskbar, even tho they are opened only on another monitor?
It happens to sticky notes/ Microsoft to do app/settings etc. but not to programs that were installed outside of microsoft Store, is it possible to change it?
Best regards
- LeonPavesicSilver Contributor
Hi morfidon,
Why are Microsoft Store apps always shown on the Windows 11 monitor PRIME taskbar, even though they are opened only on another monitor?
This is by by default.Microsoft Store apps are designed to be integrated with the Windows 11 taskbar, and this includes being shown on the primary taskbar, even if they are opened on another monitor. This is because Microsoft Store apps are often used for system-wide tasks, such as managing settings, opening files, launching other apps, ...
Is it possible to change this behavior?
No, it is not currently possible to change this behavior, there is no built-in option. However, there is a workaround that you can use:
- Right-click on the taskbar and select Taskbar settings.
- Under Taskbar behaviors, enable the Automatically hide the taskbar option.
This will hide the taskbar on all monitors when you are not actively using it. To show the taskbar, simply hover your mouse over the bottom of the screen.
Why does this happen to sticky notes/Microsoft to do app/settings etc., but not to programs that were installed outside of Microsoft Store?
This is because Microsoft Store apps are designed to be integrated with the Windows 11 taskbar in a way that non-Microsoft Store apps are not. For example, Microsoft Store apps can show notifications on the taskbar, and they can be launched from the taskbar using the Start menu.
Can you tell me how to change the default placement of Microsoft Store apps on the taskbar?
It is not currently possible to change the default placement of Microsoft Store apps on the taskbar.
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Kindest regards,
Leon Pavesic
(LinkedIn)- morfidonCopper Contributor
Thank you for the swift and comprehensive response. I understand that Microsoft Store apps are integrated with the Windows 11 taskbar and why it is designed this way. However, I would like to emphasize a few points:
Arguments for Greater User Configuration:
Application Diversity: Not all users utilize applications in the same way. What is useful for one person may be annoying for another.
Advanced Users: There is a substantial user base familiar with more advanced features and who prefer to customize settings to their needs.
Freedom of Choice: Providing users with more options enhances their satisfaction with the product. It can also serve as a marketing argument for the operating system.
Flexibility vs. Simplicity: While I understand that some design decisions aim to simplify the user interface, it's a trade-off. Advanced options could be offered in a separate section to avoid complicating things for less tech-savvy users.
Hiding the Taskbar - Is It the Solution? Hiding the taskbar may not be the optimal solution as it does not address the needs of those who would like more control over how and where application icons appear.
Conclusions: Flexibility and the ability to customize settings are always valued features. It might be worth considering introducing such an option in future updates 🙂
Hiding the taskbar may not be the optimal solution as it does not address the needs of those who would like more control over how and where application icons appear. As highlighted in a discussion on DisplayFusion, there's a known issue where taskbar buttons for Universal apps remain on the Windows taskbar when the app is moved to another monitor. This indicates that a significant number of users are seeking a solution to this problem, and having the option for greater user configuration would be a valuable step in addressing their needs.