Forum Discussion

Dakhama's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 25, 2020

Tool easy manage Hyper-v

Hi all, after one years of work and a lot of demand from community,

i will creat a Hyper-VEM (Virtual Easy Manager) to manage the VM, on local PC or Remote Server,

and want to help the microsoft user Hyper-V.

I Thinks it is a good tool and will push a lot of people to use Hyper-V, instead of seeing another adversaire,

Thanks you, 



  • Dakhama's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    thanks, yes Hyper-V is type-1, i dont know how to work in Mac, but it is possible to do it,

    i'm waiting for your feedback,

    in windows 10  there is also default option when you create a new VM (automatic snapshots) that we must disable every time to skip the slowdowns, i can adjust it in a futur version if there are a lot of people interesed.

    good luck,


  • Thanks, yes I like Hyper-V too, it's more robust and it's actually a Type-1 hypervisor if I'm correct?

    although it has some shortages, like right now I have Mac OS 10.15.3 virtualized on VMware workstation 15.5 but I couldn't find a way or a guide to do the same on Hyper-V (my host is Windows 10 insider fast ring).

    I will definitely try your Hyper-VEM and let you know how it goes 🙂



  • Dakhama's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    thank a lot, i am usually a user of technet i m a new here, 

    we share the same point of view, Hyper-V is the best that Vmware, and also hi is free and more secure, but the problem switch between VM is present. it is exactelly that my tool do it is add feature to switch between VMs like Vmware, i suggest you to test it and if you have any return i m here.


    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    at the top of every web page in this website there is "Communities"

    clicking on it will show you the list of all available communities :smile:



    I'm also a heavy Hyper-V user and I also worked with VMware workstation. I think Hyper-V needs to get tab support like VMware so we can switch between VMs easily instead of using taskbar.

  • Dakhama's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    thank you for your return, i don't know where to find the Windows 10 community ? and i have already propose it in Feedback Hub app but not retunr yet, i know that the classic Tool Remote desktop manager is retired by microsoft, and my tool will help a lot of people, if you can suggest me anythings, thanks,


    Best regards,

  • Hi, have you tried posting it in Windows 10 community or Feedback hub app?
