Forum Discussion
Jul 03, 2020Copper Contributor
DNS Suffix issue after update to Windows 10 2004
After update to Windows 10 2004, I encountered following issue.
The computer set over 50 DNS suffixes cannot resolve DNS servers, and alternatively nslookup results "Address:".
If I remove some DNS suffix to be below 50, it works correctly.
This issue was not appear in Windows 10 1909.
I cannot find it as known issue here.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
I can confirm, the same happens on my 2004 Windows 10 computer.
Time to revise the dns entry list method 🙂
- toracignoCopper Contributor
Toru_Saitosame has happened here when upgraded to Win 10 v. 2004. I had 58 entries in my dns search suffix list and the dns resolution stopped working. I had to remove the entries to get it work, now I'll test how many i can keep.
- IstvanffyZBrass Contributor
Do you have any management software installed? For example, Cisco Umbrella works like that, rewrites the DNS to
- Toru_SaitoCopper Contributor
Thank you for your reply. This issue occurs without any device management application.
In my environment, the administrator distributes 66 domains to DNS suffix search list as following registry value via script although it works correctly only top 50 entries.
In Windows 10 1909
If it has 66 domains in DNS suffix search list, it can resolve DNS server address.
In Windows 10 2004
I cannot access any network resources because it cannot resolve DNS server address like below.
I know it is the best way to reduce the entries to under 50 but I would like to confirm this issue appears only my environment or not.
- IstvanffyZBrass Contributor
I can confirm, the same happens on my 2004 Windows 10 computer.
Time to revise the dns entry list method 🙂
- Toru_SaitoCopper Contributor
Thank you for your reply.This issue occurred without any management software.
In my environment, the administrator distributes DNS suffix search list as a following registry value via startup script and it contains 66 domains.
I know DNS suffix search list works correctly up to 50 in any Windows versions from before but they can resolve DNS server address if they have more than 50 DNS suffix search list domains.
In Windows 10 Version 2004
If DNS suffix search list contains 66 domains, it cannot resolve DNS server address correctly, so I cannot access any network resources.
*) The result of (Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting).SuffixSearchList shows only 50 domains but it has 66 domains in "SearchList" registry value.
In Windows 10 Version 1909
It can resolve DNS server address correctly.
I understand it is the best way to reduce DNS suffix search list domains but I would like to know the issue appears only my environment or not.