Forum Discussion

SarahTurner's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jan 19, 2021

Shared Lists within ToDo - change owner

I setup some shared lists for the organisation during various Covid lockdowns and they are working really well however I am still the owner of them and I want to leave the lists to the people who are actually doing the work.  How can I change the owner of a shared list please?  In this case it's because I am not responsible for any of the work but could just as easily be because I was leaving the organisation so we need a way of moving a list to someone else?


  • scherobi's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    this should be realitively easy I would have thought ?
    1) check thatt he current Assigned owner of the task is also a member of the Moving To list
    2) if so, retain Task assignment
    3). If not, do as it currently does and null down the Assigned To field
  • Manu_Bansal's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    There is a way to solve this. I did this. Here are the steps to do this.


    Suppose Sarah (Owner) has created a To Do List - ProjectABC with 10 Tasks in it. This is currently shared with another person - Manu 


    1. Request Manu to create a new list in HIS To Do account - ProjectABCNew 

    2. Now, Manu has access to both the lists - ProjectABC (owned and created by Sarah) and ProjectABC (owned and created by Manu). 

    3. Manu can right-click on a Task (or select multiple tasks), right click and use move function to move the tasks from ProjectABC to ProjectABCNew. 

    4. Above steps work better on To Do Web or Laptop/Desktop. Its a little painful to do this on mobile App

    5. Depending on the number of Tasks in a List, it will take a few seconds to a minute or two to update. 


    Hope you found this useful. 



    • tlagestee's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      The problem with moving tasks to a new list is that the person who was assigned the task is lost.  Does anyone have a better solution?

      • nis-it's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Can this issue being resolved, one of the biggest downsides of ToDo tlagestee @microsoft

