Forum Discussion
Apr 15, 2020Copper Contributor
Resource Account do not show in forwarding rules in Teams Desktop App
I noticed that when I want to forward calls from my number to a Resource Account (Queue or Auto Attendant) from the desktop App doesn't find any match, instead from my Mobile App I can forward to AutoAttendant and Queue whitout any problem.
Someone knows why?
- subhasish-MSFTMicrosoft
Alessio__Evolink_SA , Thank you for reporting it. I have shared it with dev team.
- Alessio__Evolink_SACopper Contributor
- subhasish-MSFTMicrosoft
Currently we dont have any ETA on this.
- Lars_NestlerBrass Contributor
subhasish-MSFT Same problem here. I opened a Ticket with Microsoft, but haven't gotten a single answer in over a month!
We were able to temporarily fix the problem, by allowing the resource account user to log in. (Disable theblock in O365 Admin Center).
But since today, this fix no longer works.