Forum Discussion
Mar 23, 2022Brass Contributor
MS Graph API Evaluation mode capacity has been exceeded
Hello I have a registered app with protectedAPIs permissions granted, I am trying to fetch all the chat and channel messages from our company tenant but I am taking the following message as response
{'error': {'code': 'PaymentRequired', 'message': 'Evaluation mode capacity has been exceeded. Use a valid billing model. Visit for more details.',
I searched the Azure AD and Azure Dashboard to change the billing model of our registered app but I can not find where I can pay in order to have more requests
- Sayali-MSFTMicrosoftchristosjubile- We are looking into this I will get back to you soon.
- christosjubileBrass ContributorDo you want more details from me? my account username ? the app id?
- christosjubileBrass ContributorFYI I have a support request with ID: 2203200050000288
- Sayali-MSFTMicrosoft
- Please follow this document for billing/payment:
- Evaluation model should only be used for testing the API. You cannot use evaluation mode once you reach the evaluation quota for that month. You will need to choose from either Model A or Model B. Model A is license based model and Model B is consumption based model. The requirements for the different models are specified in this document: