Forum Discussion
Oct 23, 2024Copper Contributor
Issues with Bot-to-Bot Calls and Call Status Retrieval in Microsoft Teams - Issue 2
I am currently developing a bot-to-bot VOIP call feature using Microsoft Teams and have encountered critical issues that I need assistance with: Please suggest We have registered 2 bots in the same ...
Oct 24, 2024Copper Contributor
Sure. Kindly check and help us with your suggestions as we are unable to move forward with the development.
Oct 24, 2024Microsoft
allabashashaik - Could you please verify that the tenantId
parameter is correctly set for both the source and target bots. This parameter should match the tenant ID of the registered bots?
The error message "Request authorization tenant mismatch" typically indicates that the tenant ID provided in the API call does not match the tenant ID of the registered bots. Double-check the API request body to ensure all IDs are correctly specified.
- allabashashaikOct 25, 2024Copper ContributorSince we have registered bot this bots in the same tenant. We have provided that detials in the Pay load..
- Nivedipa-MSFTOct 28, 2024Microsoftallabashashaik - We received an update from engineering team saying that P2P bot-to-bot VOIP call is not supported by design. That's why it will show the auth error.