Forum Discussion

pksukeshpk's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 05, 2024

Getting “Meeting Id is corrupted” error while trying to fetch meeting details from Graph API

Below is the screenshot of the teams context object,


When we try to get the meeting details from the Graph API with the meeting id obtained from the teams context object (Refer the above screenshot), we get “Meeting Id is corrupted” error.


Below is the screenshot of the Graph API request,



Please let us know how to get the meeting details. Please note that we have created the meeting directly from the calendar.


  • pksukeshpk - 

    This is a known disconnect. The meetingId exposed by the Teams Client SDK differs from the meeting id exposed in Graph. However, you should be able to get the Graph meeting id by making a call to

    1. GET /chats/{chat-id}?$select=onlineMeetingInfo

    1. Thereafter use the following request to get the OnlineMeeting resource:

      GET /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings?$filter=joinWebUrl eq '{joinWebUrl}'

    You would get the {chat-id} for #1 from a call into Teams Client SDK.

    Response to #2 will give you the correct Graph OnlineMeetingId in case you want to store a mapping for later.






    Prasad Das


    If the response is helpful, please click "**Mark as Best Response**" and like it. You can share your feedback via Microsoft Teams Developer Feedback link. Click here to escalate. 

    • pksukeshpk's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thanks, Prasad, for the reply. But unfortunately, we cannot use the chat API. Is there any other option to get the online meeting details by using the chatid that we are getting from the SDK context?
      • Prasad_Das-MSFT's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        pksukeshpk - the above provided steps are the only ones provided by engineering team as workaround. There doesn't seem to be any other way available. 

    • Pradeep1090's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      We cannot use the Chat API as we don't have required scope permissions to use it. Is there anyother way round this problem?
