Forum Discussion

ms-user-1's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 03, 2024

Connector Compatibility Issues with Updated Microsoft Teams



We have been successfully using our app connector for several years without issues. However, since upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Teams, we have encountered significant functionality problems that were not present in the older version.


While the connector continues to work flawlessly on the older version of MS Teams, it fails to configure or remove connectors in the new MS Teams. Additionally, the webhook functionality is also non-operational.


We have noticed missing context values such as 'teamName' and 'teamId', which may be contributing to these issues. I have attached screenshots below for your review.


Old MS Teams context

Old ms teams context


New MS Teams context 

New ms teams context


Furthermore, we are experiencing problems with the microsoftTeams.settings.setSettings() function from the Deleted/teams-js library, which does not seem to operate correctly in the new MS Teams environment. It is unclear whether this issue is related to the saveEvent.notifySuccess() function or if there are other underlying problems preventing the settings from being applied properly.


Many of our clients are expressing their frustration due to these disruptions. We are eager for your assistance and look forward to your swift response to help resolve these issues.


Best regards,
