Forum Discussion

Jason Maclauchlan's avatar
Jason Maclauchlan
Brass Contributor
Jun 04, 2020

Surface Go cant be a kiosk?

I was looking into using Surface Go as a kiosk for front line workers; I did a demonstration using a Surface Pro and it worked great , added the Surface Go to same Intune group and the same device category and tags then received notices that the kiosk device configuration is not applicable.


Both are at the same OS version (10.0.18363.836). Did some browsing and found that the Surface Go didn't have the Set up a kiosk option under All Settings->Accounts->Family & Other Users.


Any insight?

  • The issue wasnt with the hardware, the Surface Go shipped with Windows 10 Home versus Windows 10 Pro. When troubleshooting I only looked the Windows 10 version numbers via Winver.
