Forum Discussion

Grayson1530's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 04, 2021

Trying to Change the Gallery View with JSON to open custom URL instead of edit item menu

I have a simple list as follows:

I'm trying to update the Gallery view so that when you click on the tile it opens the URL in "Form Link" instead of opening the standard "edit item" menu. I think I have to change the elmType to "a" instead of "button" but I've tried all combinations of href and target but I can't get it to work quite right.


I'm fairly new to JSON does anyone have any suggestions?


Here's my code:



  "$schema": "",
  "height": 295,
  "width": 254,
  "hideSelection": false,
  "fillHorizontally": true,
  "formatter": {
    "elmType": "div",
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      "class": "sp-card-container"
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       "elmType": "button",
       "attributes": {
         "class": "sp-card-defaultClickButton"
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         "action": "defaultClick"
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          "class": "ms-bgColor-white sp-css-borderColor-neutralLight sp-card-borderHighlight sp-card-subContainer"
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                        "style": {
                          "display": "=if([$Thumbnail] == '', 'none', '')"
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                          "src": "=[$Thumbnail.serverUrl] + [$Thumbnail.serverRelativeUrl]",
                          "title": "[$Thumbnail.fileName]",
                          "class": "sp-card-imagePreview"
                        "elmType": "svg",
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                          "display": "=if([$Thumbnail] == '', '', 'none')"
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                              "d": "M96 105L158.7 0H204C207.314 0 210 2.68629 210 6V105H96Z"
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                          "display": "=if([$Thumbnail] == '', '', 'none')"
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                            "elmType": "path",
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                              "d": "M 4 4 H 37 V 37 H 4 L 4 4"
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                              "d": "M24.17 21.151L21.66 24.741L17.54 19.191C17.3322 18.914 17.0062 18.751 16.66 18.751C16.3137 18.751 15.9877 18.914 15.78 19.191L9.20997 28.051C8.97126 28.3786 8.93818 28.813 9.12453 29.173C9.31088 29.533 9.68465 29.7567 10.09 29.751H29.91C30.3085 29.7562 30.6769 29.5396 30.866 29.1887C31.0551 28.8378 31.0335 28.411 30.81 28.081L26 21.151C25.7991 20.8407 25.4546 20.6533 25.085 20.6533C24.7153 20.6533 24.3709 20.8407 24.17 21.151Z"
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  • rgwinn's avatar
    May 25, 2022
    If you remove the two lines of code for the customRowAction section, replace "button" with "a" and then add the following two lines of code below "role": "presentation", it should work. Just replace [@Place] with the name of your field that is the hyperlink.

    "href": "[$Place]",
    "target": "_blank"
    • janliniger's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I have the same problem, did you find a solution?
  • I'm also having the same requirement but I believe Microsoft did not provide a way to do that for tile formatting JSON schema.
    • rgwinn's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Suhas Yerramsetty 


      I am also desperately trying to find a way to do this.  Most users will assume that if they click the tile/image that it will take them to a website, not to the editform or dispform.  I've spent hours researching out to do this and so far I have yet to find a viable solution. 😞

  • MichelleN1790's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Grayson1530 I am also a JSON newbie.  I don't know if this is the correct way but it worked for me.  I removed the following lines from my gallery JSON.  Now, only the text shows as an active link when hovering over or selecting it; not the whole tile.  No more display form; only my custom link.


    "elmType": "button",
    "attributes": {
    "class": "sp-card-defaultClickButton",
    "role": "presentation"
    "customRowAction": {
    "action": "defaultClick"
    • rgwinn's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      If you remove the two lines of code for the customRowAction section, replace "button" with "a" and then add the following two lines of code below "role": "presentation", it should work. Just replace [@Place] with the name of your field that is the hyperlink.

      "href": "[$Place]",
      "target": "_blank"
