Forum Discussion

ww-mn's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 01, 2023

Sharing a private channel list with parent SPO groups

I don't think this is possible, but I figured I'd ask.


I have a Team with its associated SPO site for our division at work. Within that Team I have a private channel with its associated SPO page that houses all of my PowerApps lists. Only myself and other sys admins are part of the private Team, and I use MS365 groups to share access to my lists so others in our division can view and edit the information while using our PowerApps applications.


We have SPO groups created for the parent SPO site, and I would like to use those groups to manage access to my lists within my private channel. Is this possible without giving those groups access to the whole channel? Our SPO groups are scrubbed and verified often, so it would make granting access easy without needing to also update my MS365 groups.


I would like to avoid keeping my lists in the parent Team as we have entirely too many making it messy to navigate. A private channel was the easiest way to keep my lists separate.

  • Kelly_Edinger's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    Yes, Lists can be shared regardless of Team / Site association. Go to your List's permissions and stop inheriting permissions. Then share with the appropriate groups. They will be able to access via the List app, and you could add links to the lists on the parent team/site
    • ww-mn's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Kelly_Edinger Thanks for the response. My issue is I only see groups from Teams (M365) populate when trying to share, I do not see the parent site SPO Groups populate.


      From what I gather, when requesting access to a Team you are added to the M365 group which also gives you access to that associated site, but if you request access via the site you are only added to the SPO group and not the M365 group. This causes issues because we have a lot of visitors that request access via the site, but not have access to the Team. 




      • Kelly_Edinger's avatar
        Bronze Contributor
        M365 Groups (Teams groups) and SharePoint groups are only applicable to their own sites. You can add a new SharePoint group at the List's site level and replicate the membership - OR - if this is a group of people that would need access across multiple sites, you can create a Security Group at the M365 Admin Center/Azure AD level.
