Forum Discussion
Apr 20, 2022Copper Contributor
Sharepoint Site Links not working in Teams
I've created a Sharepoint Site for a project that we need to share internally - we need it accessible via Teams. We have added it as a tab in Teams, but it's not working properly. The majority of...
Apr 20, 2022
Hello Emily
Looks like this issue?
Looks like this issue?
Apr 20, 2022Copper Contributor
AndresGorzelany Thanks, it does look like the same sort of issue. There doesn't seem to be a resolution in that thread though 😞
- Apr 20, 2022Unfortunately not, but I'll try to dig into this
- AndrewlongApr 28, 2022Copper ContributorHi - I have noticed the same issue, any fix yet? No changes have been my our side as far as i'm aware and was previously working fine, thanks
- EmilyRMApr 28, 2022Copper ContributorIt is working for me now. Entirely unsure why! I added the tab to a private channel so I could experiment with it and it was working. So I deleted the tab in the teams channel where it wasn't working and re-added & it is miraculously working. Age old joke of turning things off and on again a few times in IT.