Forum Discussion
Page Details Property pane not showing metadata columns
Thanks for the suggestion but I can't do that, the option to add a column to the content type is not showing up. The site or pages library appears to be corrupted and I have no idea how to reset it.
Dean_GrossI have a similar problem. I add columns to the site page library, yet they don't show in the metadata/page properties (neither in the properties pane to the right side of the library, nor the page properties web part used on the page itself).
I have investigated this as well and I was able to enable content type selection for this library. I set Site Pages as default content type. However, when I add new columns from Library Settings, they still don't show Site Pages as a content type in the column "Used In", and I have no way to edit this. Attached is the screenshot.
Would creating a new site library from scratch be a possible workaround?
Thank you for your help!