Forum Discussion
Apr 15, 2020Brass Contributor
Menu not updating
Hi, what is wrong with the menus in SharePoint? The changes only show on the computer I am using for editing the menu. This is the case for both "website menus" as well as hub site menus. It has been...
Sep 03, 2021Copper Contributor
HelenaStarenby I discovered the same problem in a SP hub site navigation and associated sites. Many employees reported that the updated menu items were not visible until after they cleared their cache. I don't recall having this problem until a few days ago, when I turned on Audience Targeting for that menu -- and had applied targeting for the submenu where items were not refreshing. I turned off Audience Targeting for that hub site navigation, and everyone reported the submenu refreshed and they could see all the current items listed. So I have a feeling this might have something to do (at least in part) with Audience Targeting applied to hub site navigation menus. I hope this report helps any of you who are experiencing this frustration.
Dec 13, 2021Copper Contributor
I have exactly the same issue. I have to have the users clear their browser cookies, otherwise the hub menu (on the root site) would not show the changes. Very frustrating.