Forum Discussion
JSON Date Range Help
Is it possible using JSON to create a text color change based on a date range. For example I have a field that shows when a warranty starts. Warranty is good for a year. I would like the text to change if its outside that date range. For example if the field shows 3/1/2020 and today is 4/30/2020. The text would still be black between the warranty wouldn't expire till 3/1/2021.
- RobElliottSilver Contributor
eenochs-turner yes it's possible to do this. Up until the warranty expiry date in the example below the date is colored black, but if the warranty expiry is earlier than today it's red.
The syntax for the JSON on the Warranty column is:
{ "$schema": "", "elmType": "div", "txtContent": "@currentField", "style": { "color": "=if([$Warranty] < @now, '#c64444', '#000000')" } }
But you can also format it with the built-in standard column formatting without any need for JSON:
Los Gallardos
Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User- eenochs-turnerBrass Contributor
Rob thank you for the response but i went a different route and I'm almost there. This is the JSON command i went with and its working but now i have a issue with blank entries.
"$schema": "",
"elmType": "div",
"debugMode": true,
"txtContent": "@currentField",
"style": {
"color": "=if([$EMR_x0020_Effective_x0020_Date] +31556952000 <= @now, '#ff0000', '#000000')"
The Issue I'm having now is how can i add a statement to this to ignore any entry that is blank. In this list there will be blank entries as not every item has a warranty period.
- Holman GutierrezCopper Contributor
eenochs-turner This works to change font color. How do I also change background color? Thank you.
- DaveTheVoiceCopper Contributor
RobElliott As @eenochs-turner had the same issue I can't get mine to work as well. The field is a Calculated field and I need to "highlite" 3 different ranges: where the number is >60 days Green, between 59 and 31 days Amber, and < 30 days Red.
What am I doing wrong?
"background-color":"=if(Number(@currentField)==0,'#c27ba0',if(@currentField <=@now - (365-346)*24*60*60*1000, 'red',if(@currentField <= @now -(365-347)*24*60*60*1000,'orange',if(@currentField <= @now -(365-352)*24*60*60*1000,'yellow','limeGreen'))))",
"color":"=if(Number(@currentField)==0, '#c27ba0',if(@currentField <= @now - (365-0)*24*60*60*1000,'White',if(@currentField <= @now -(365-60)*24*60*60*1000,'Black',if(@currentField <= @now -(365-60)*24*60*60*1000,'Black','Black'))))",