Forum Discussion

Mel_C13's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jul 30, 2024

How to find out the weight context of all Managed Properties

Hi there

I have a situation where I need to get the Context weight group of each managed property in our SPO tenant.   I was hoping there was a way to get this with a Powershell script or some sort of hidden download option but I am not seeing anything.  

Does anyone know if there is a way to get this information without having to go into each Managed property?  

This is all related to search results that are showing up in a weird order and we are thinking that someone changed the weight group on something but I am at a loss as to where they changed it.  So just trying to find a way to figure that out.  

Thanks in advance. 

  • michalkornet's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi Mel_C13, Is it possible to set this setting in SP Online? I tried to test the possibility of getting this information yesterday, but after changing it from the UI and checking it again, I still see the default 'Context 0' value.

    • Mel_C13's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      michalkornet  I have been able to change the Context in the Managed Properties area of the SharePoint Search Admin area.  But where I am stuck is that I have over 4000 managed properties and I want to see which ones aren't Context 0 without having to go into each property.  

      I am hoping there is some sort of script that I can run to grab that info.  

      • michalkornet's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Hi Mel_C13, I tested it once again on my tenant, and I am able to get this value by calling the page (

        `https://${tenantName}${property}&level=tenant` )

        and then extracting it from the HTML. I think this is not the best solution, but it looks like it works.


        The result looks like this -> 


        The code that should be executed on the admin site:

        (async () => {

          const tenantName = 'Your tenant'
          const managedPropertyName = ['AADObjectID', 'AccountName'];

          for (let property of managedPropertyName) {
            const web = await fetch(`https://${tenantName}${property}&level=tenant`)
            const htmlResult = await web.text();
            const tempContainer = document.createElement('div');
            tempContainer.innerHTML = htmlResult;
            const inputElement = tempContainer.querySelector('#ctl00_ctl00_PlaceHolderContentArea_PlaceHolderMain_weightGroupHiddenTextBox');
            const weightGroupValue = inputElement['value'];
            console.log(`Managed Property: ${property} - WeightGroupValue ${weightGroupValue}`)


        Let me know if it works for you. To be honest, I still cannot edit these values on my tenant, so I hope the script does not return the default values for these properties.

