Forum Discussion
Sep 06, 2019Brass Contributor
Delete the "Shared with us" link on navigation menu for modern sites
Hi everyone! I've tried to remove the lin on the navigation bar called "Shared with us". It appears whenever it wants and disappear... I've read many posts but it looks that no one have tried...
Feb 17, 2021Copper Contributor
gbartumeu Unfortunately, and also amazingly, deleting obsolete "Shared With Me" files from Office 365 still does't seem possible, as of February 2021. I had logged in OneDrive business at work with my personal account, then everything got mashed up, and cannot be fixed ever since.
It appears SharePoint to OneDrive Business, OneDrive Personal, once those are stored somewhere, you can't never get rid of them. What a horrible design the users can't programatically delete these obsolete links.
I will check with Microsoft Office Support to see if they are aware why this long-outstanding bug is outstanding over 3 years, and may people complian about it (a reason why I won't bother using much on personal stuff with OneDrive.).