Forum Discussion

Jordyvanveelen's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 09, 2024

create a vertical search

Hi everyone,


I have a question, i want to create a vertical search in my sharepoint and searching for a query or filter on documentlibrary.


I have multiple site with the same documentlibrary name and in my vertical search i want to create a search that only contains all the data in that particular document library's 
which query do i have to use? 



  • Jordyvanveelen 

    Are you talking about custom search vertical in SharePoint default search? If yes, check:


    1. Manage search verticals - for SharePoint online
    2. How to add a custom search vertical to your search results page in SharePoint Server 

    If you are using PnP modern search web parts, check this:

    Search Verticals Web Part 

    Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.

    • Jordyvanveelen's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      thank you for your reaction.

      i know where to find the settings to enable/create only what i don’t know exactly is which text or query i have to use.

      as I mentioned earlier we have 20 SP site with the same document library name, when I search some file and click on the vertical search button I want to see the results in all of the newly same name document library's

