Forum Discussion

Scheduler_SPP's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 07, 2024

Total Project Progress % Report & S-Curve Report (E, P, C, C) - MS Project 2019 (Desktop)

Hi All,


This thread is a two part question. The Schedule does not contain any resources, this is purely task driven (Dates & Duration). The client is essentially looking to establish what we had planned and where we actually are within the project (Progress % wise). 


1) Generate a Total Project Progress % Report (Example in 1. Total Project Progress %.pdf)

2) Generate an S-Curve Report using the items displayed in the graph axis (Example in 2. EPCC Report.pdf)


INFO before I begin: EPCC contract type (Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Commissioning) it’s a special type of contract, where the Contractor is responsible for all activities for design, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning and also delivery to the end user / customer.


What information and assistance I am looking for from this wonderful community:


1) Generate a Total Project Progress % Report β†’ I have typed out what all is being shown in the PDF. I would like to understand what each item represents as well as how and where to find these items and/or how to create custom fields to show this information as well as if this report would be built within MS Project 2019 or generated through a Visual Report:


Please refer to: 1. Total Project Progress %.pdf


a) Cumulated Late Planned %

b) Cumulated Actual %

c) Cumulated Difference % (Difference between a & b, this you can ignore, fairly straight forward)

d) This Period Late Planned %

e) This Period Actual %

f) This Period Difference % (Difference between d & e, this you can ignore, fairly straight forward)


2) Generate an S-Curve Report β†’ Once again, I have typed out what all data the report is using to display the S-Curve Report. Once again, I would like to understand what each item represents as well as how and where to find these items and/or how to create custom fields to show this information as well as if this report would be built within MS Project 2019 or generated through a Visual Report:


a) Actual % β†’ I believe the is the % Complete field, correct?

b) Cumulative Baseline Early %

c) Cumulative Baseline Late %

d) Cumulative Forecast Early %

e) Cumulative Forecast Late %


Over and above that, I would assume this S-Curve would be a Visual Report as it shows a graph axis of the %, would I be correct in saying this?


Thanking you all in advance.

  • HI
    You can get all this information from Project, since I got it on occasion, but it requires certain particular and somewhat artisanal procedures related to the monitoring method, earlier and later programming, etc. Hardly, if not almost It is impossible for you to obtain those graphs automatically within Project. If that were the case, I would tell you now, but responding to your request would be too extensive and would involve excessive time for what responses in this forum usually take.
    If you have a serious need, you can contact me via personal message.
  • John-project's avatar
    Silver Contributor


    Wow, that's quite a pile of stuff you're after. Just curious, if the plan is only dates  and duration, how do you determine the percent complete at any given time? Without some realistic metrics (e.g. work completed against work planned), it seems all very subjective.


    But to address your metric items.

    1. How exactly do you define cumulative late planned % (i.e. what does "late planned" even mean)?

    2. The same for "this period late planned".


    And yes, if you are doing duration based only progress (meaningless in my view), then "actual %" would be % Complete. But you'll have to define exactly what you mean by b, c, d & e. There are no such fields in Project.


