Feb 10, 2022Copper Contributor
Task setting that doesn't affect overall project
Is there a way to add a task to your project that doesn't automatically affect the overall project calculation? For example, I have a task where I need to track if someone ordered a sign. If that person is behind and didn't order it, my project should continue on as originally scheduled and we would just complete the project without the sign. The way I have it now, if I mark this task complete, it auto schedules the remainder of the project based on the predecessors I have assigned. I understand the manual vs auto scheduling and how the predecessors work. ('d like to keep the autoschedule for when the task should start) I was just hoping there's a way to identify a task that isn't critical enough to affect my entire schedule.
- ajaffke,
First of all, if your plan will continue whether or not the sign was ordered, I question whether the sign "task" should even be in the schedule.
However if you still want to show the sign task don't have any other tasks in your plan dependent on it (i.e. no predecessors or successors). In my view this is bad practice but it does address your scenario.