Forum Discussion

NaomiBrill's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 19, 2023

Link subprojects to master project if you don't have a network drive

Hey we have a master project with a resource pool which is shared with individual plans/subprojects. However, we are not able to link the subprojects to the master project on SharePoint and we don't have a network drive. What is the alternative?

  • Naomi --

    I think your only option would be to save them in a shared folder on your laptop or someone else's laptop. Then share the folder with Read/Write access to your fellow PMs. Hope this helps.
    • NaomiBrill's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks Dale_HowardMVP 

      I've tried to save them to my OneDrive but you can't share them in the same way that you can with Excel/Word - they can only be shared as Read only (as far as I can tell). It's really frustrating as one of the reasons why we went for MS Project is because of its ability to link subprojects to a master project, but I didn't discover until we started using it that you can't do this on SharePoint.

      • NaomiBrill --

        You cannot use OneDrive for this because SharePoint is the backend software that drives OneDrive. Have you considered upgrading to Project Online? You would still be using Microsoft Project as your scheduling tool, but your projects would be stored in the Project Online database. And in Microsoft Project, you would be able to do everything you want to do with master projects. If you are using Project Online Professional (the M365 version of the Microsoft Project desktop) this means that your organization would be able to begin using Project Online without additional cost. The only catch is that you will probably need to solicit the help of someone (shameless plug - someone like me) who is experienced in setting up Project Online so that it matches your organization's project management processes and procedures. Hope this helps.
