Forum Discussion

APS1979's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 18, 2022

Basic Admin Permissions



We have some PMO Administrators who we need to carry out some central administrative duties in Project Server, but do not want them to have full Admin permissions.


Can someone advise me of the necessary global permissions to do the following across all projects within PS, regardless of owner:


- Create new projects

- Edit, save and publish projects

- Edit custom fields

- Contribute to project sites

- Build Team

- Save Protected Baselines

- Force Check-In


I appreciate this is somewhat a generic request, I can see some global permissions for some but not all of the above so am looking for some direction.


Many thanks.

  • APS1979 --

    The simplest way to handle this is to add these users to the default Portfolio Managers group. In Project Online and Project Server, a Portfolio Manager is a project manager with limited Administrator capabilities. After adding these users on the Add or Edit Group page for the Portfolio Managers group, select the My Organization item in the Selected Categories list. In the Permissions for My Organization data grid, select the Allow checkbox for the Save Protected Baseline permission. Click the Save button when finished and you are in business! Hope this helps.
  • APS1979 --

    The simplest way to handle this is to add these users to the default Portfolio Managers group. In Project Online and Project Server, a Portfolio Manager is a project manager with limited Administrator capabilities. After adding these users on the Add or Edit Group page for the Portfolio Managers group, select the My Organization item in the Selected Categories list. In the Permissions for My Organization data grid, select the Allow checkbox for the Save Protected Baseline permission. Click the Save button when finished and you are in business! Hope this helps.
