Forum Discussion

mail's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 31, 2018

Task activity/history tracking

Hi All, Do anyone know if there are plans to implement more enhanced functionality into planner to be able to review the history of a task and understand who has done what with the task and if/when for example it has been moved between buckets.


Currently the history/activity of a task will be shown under "Comments" and started with the event "New task created" that will be shown with date/time and that is great. When the task is assigned to someone this will also be shown however that seem to be it, of course comments made will also be shown.


The problem that I am having and why I´m asking about this is that I have a planner board with several buckets that are arranged somewhat like a Kanban/process flow, however with more steps/buckets than a regular Kanban board would have. Tasks that are moved between buckets often also include checklists and attached files/links. Currently a task can be moved between buckets, files added, checkboxes marked without anyone working with the planner board knowing who made those changes? It would be excellent if all such changes to a task would be posted as a comment/activity with date/time just as the events when the task is first created.


In Trello I belive that this funtionality is called Task History or Activity Stream. Has anyone seen any plans or such enhancements to the current functionality?


Best regards,

Magnus Bjork

  • Jack_Xu_23's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hej Magnus , 


    I have similar request as you that hope this is an important feature MS team can enhance to planner, if it is to be designed to replace Trello.. all I know is there is a "last change by" under the task subject if it can solve the headache temporary, the changes tracking/history is so important especially in a Phrama company.  



    another expectation if there is any changes to the task/bucket , can somewhere a highlight ? or a email notification to the designated people, i.e. task owner / team leader who assign the task.


    People, anywhere can raise a vote to enhance? 


    BR/  Jack Xu

  • vkoliandri's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hi! The only way I found to see the recent activity is by the sharepoint home page. You can add it in teams and review the activity from there!
    • AtlasAdmin's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      I am interested in how you can do this? We are new to using planner and would find tracking helpful.

  • edavisptna's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I agree that this functionality would be very helpful.


    I am researching use of Planner to track workflow and do some low-level project management. We also have more buckets than you would typically see in a Kanban and have checkboxes related to specific tasks.


    I would like to be able to see a time stamp and, ideally, be able to analyze via reporting tool or chart the amount of time spent between specific buckets. 


    If there are any updates to this, please inform if possible.


    Thank you,

    Emily Davis

  • I have not heard any plans to develop those features, but Ignite is coming in September so we could have some news in the Planner world
