Forum Discussion

Planner error - You've run out of space

Anyone seen below message in Planner?. I don't remember any space constraint apart from SPO site collection.


  • Ali Akbari's avatar
    Ali Akbari
    Copper Contributor

    Yes I have this problem too i have assigned 1400 task and this erorr appeared , anyone know what to do ?

  • There are some limits in Planner for number of tasks per plan - and also some Groups limits for the numbers of group you can belong to. We are still fine tuning the specific limits and once we have then we will document them. For now you will need to remove completed plans/tasks so you can add additional ones. Best regards, Brian
    • Ian Bruckner's avatar
      Ian Bruckner
      Iron Contributor

      Brian-Smith, Is there a place where planner constraints / limitations / constraints are documented yet? Can't find anything in technet. We're setting up Team & plan combos for a couple projects as a test-bed for how we might use them more widely to democratize task creation, assignment, status updating, etc. - and it sure would be great to know what we're up against before we get in too deep.

    • Jeff Held's avatar
      Jeff Held
      Brass Contributor

      Again, thank you very much for your reply and help.  I REALLY LIKE Planner!  Just so bummed I'm stuck.  Your reply isn't exactly my experience, for example, I wiped out entire plans and created new ones.  The new plan says "out of space", one with zero tasks.  Knowing the true limits will help, maybe I can figure out how to use it again.  Please and thank you!

    • Brent Ellis's avatar
      Brent Ellis
      Silver Contributor
      that will teach you to assign 1 centillion tasks to a single user :)
