Forum Discussion

AaqibEfzhal1675's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 15, 2021

Comments not saving

Hi All,


I am currently having an issue with saving comments on tasks within the Planner. This has started since yesterday afternoon. 


It looks like it's not working across the board - all plans that I have created within Planner. 


The issue starts with when I try to add a comment to a task, it saves and shows who created the task etc. The moment I click out of the task and go back into the task, the comment that I added disappears. 


I've tried across several different browsers still face the same issue, however, when I access this planner from my phone - it works. 


We have set this planner up as our help desk - MS Form into MS Planner via Power Automate, so the volume of tasks we have on the Planner is circa 350 Tasks so it's something is critical to our business as of now.


Has anyone else faced this issue? 



  • BvandenBerg's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    i have the same issue now aswell, the strange thing is that when i place a comment, the comments are saved when i reopen the task. But when my colleagues place any comment it dissapeared after we reopen the task.


    We are using this for a few years and it always worked but since last friday it stopped working.

    Update: i found the problem, when teams are created, an email address is automatically created. Since this mailbox is not maintained, I had blocked everyone in our company from sending emails to this email address except myself. Apparently this email address is required to post comments and notes within microsoft planner.

    U can find the setting at the exchange admin portal, then: Groups>search for your teamname>Settings> Edit delivery management> then check if you have right to use this mailadres

  • jorikpolhuis's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    The same problem is present at one of our customers. Perhaps this is a broader problem that has been playing recently.
    • jorikpolhuis's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I see some strange behavior. The commenting starts to work when you assign the task to someone, close the task en open the task again. Then the comments are there en keeps functioning.
