Forum Discussion

hamzakontaz's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 21, 2023

Vetting Status is Rejected Just In The Beggining

Hey there,

I am Hamza from Dimitek and I am having issues on account verification over two weeks.
Here is the problem I am facing:
-Login to partner center with Microsoft Entra ID
-I see my vetting status is rejected (Developer),
-I press the "FIX NOW" button
-A window appears in right side and there is an error "Your verification is rejected because of usage of restricted domain. Please update your email in Contact Info section with company domain address to get it verified."

I am using my company mail with my domain name. 

I am creating a ticket over and over and all I get in the mails are "Vetting Status Rejected".
I am unable to move on and I am getting no help. Can you please help me?

Account Type: Company
Status: Active

Best Regards

    • buildingaitools's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      This documentation page is helpful, but it's factually wrong. I never see a Fix Now button, and half the times the fields on the page show up as empty. The partner agent has taken weeks for us to get a response too. Is there an escalation point we can ask for help?
    • hamzakontaz's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hey Jill,

      I did not find any information for fixing:
      "Your verification is rejected because of usage of restricted domain. Please update your email in Contact Info section with company domain address to get it verified.".

      Also, as you can see in the screenshots there are no upload files button anymore.

      We are also getting rejected due to
      "Please ensure that they are issued within the previous 12 months:
      Domain registration / Domain invoice at registration or renewal that lists Entity/Username and domain as it is stated on your account.  "

      What do you mean for domain? And we can also provide official business documents that we got from last 12 months?

      Please describe the solution because I am not able to find any solution on the Microsoft Page you provided.

      Kind Regards
