Forum Discussion

Andyewx's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 16, 2023

Outlook calendar invite manually set accept/decline, can it be done?

Hello All,

I've never had this issue but for some reason it's become a problem.

I sent out he annual Christmas get together invite in Outlook as a meeting.


Didn't get a lot of responses. Followed up with a reminder email. For some reason people started approaching my desk or stopping me in the hall to TELL me they're attending.


I'm not sure what the aversion to hitting the accept/decline meeting is but wondered, is there a way to mark a person as Attending a meeting manually?


It doesn't warrant delegation etc. but it would help a lot with managing the process if I could track attendees in one place.


Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance.


  • Andyewx's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Answering my own question. If you go to the invitation, open it and go to the "Tracking" menu item it shows the invitees and the "Response" being Accepted, DEclined, None etc. Turns out you can manually edit the response just by clicking in the Response field against the relevant invitees name.  You're presented with a picklist and you can select whatever state you want.


    Glad I could help myself out.




    • JohnC30's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Andyewx I imagine you were using 'old' Outlook. Do you know if there's a way to do this with new Outlook?

      • FrederikSeyns's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        The described functionality is indeed present in Classic Outlook.
        New Outlook also has the 'Tracking' option, but not the option to manually make updates (yet).
