Forum Discussion

BertLinders's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 04, 2021

Outlook autocomplete shows above to field iso below

When a client wants to type an email, since a few days, the autocomplete shows up above the to field (and proceeding outside of the screen on the top) instead of below the to field.

Any ideas of what this could be and how to solve it?

The customer uses Outlook 2019 for Business use and the mailbox is an IMAP account.


  • Just open command prompt with administrator privileges. 

    copy and paste the following, it will force an newer update which will fix your problem.

    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=16.0.13901.20462
    • MEhlinger's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Microsoft Office has released security updates. I do not see reverting to a previous version of Office with vulnerabilities as a viable option.

  • zuma48's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Click to run does the same, the fix worked for it.
  • DotcomIT's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Just open command prompt with administrator privileges. 

    copy and paste the following, it will force an newer update which will fix your problem.

    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=16.0.13901.20462
    • errequattro's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      DotcomIT  Dear DotcomIT, I have tried your suggetsion which seems very helpfull but the suggested order didn't work for me (outlook 2016 Office), answer was "invalid order". have you kindly a different solution or advice? thank you in advance!

      • Are you using Windows store or click to run? Look in File, Office Account for the information. If you have windows store you can't rollback - it will wipe out your accounts. If all goes well, the fix should be out in about 10 days or so.

        Are you using 32 or 64-bit office? If 32-bit, try "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=16.0.13901.20462
    • zuma48's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      DotcomIT you rock!!! Thank you so much. Worked and reversed font and display issue and manage. Send me your twitter or whatever and i will follow you. Thanks again.
  • zuma48's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    yes, just happened yesterday, 5/3/21. The font is huge too restricting list. The list used to be a small font with the option to X delete email address. Something happened. MS pushed something. This machine is 2016 OFF. I checked a 2019 and it was the old correct way so not sure what happened. I hope Microsoft can resolve, this feature is so important to the users they have no idea. Always been a side thing for them but users depend on it for every day emails.
  • eworbit's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    BertLinderssame here for several users all of a sudden!  No obvious windows updates - it just happened on several of my 2019 outlook users.  Scrambling to fix this........

    • BertLinders's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      eworbit Indeed.

      I am now trying to reproduce it on another machine.

      The follwing Version of Outlook is installed: 2104, Only update today was Windows Defender...

      I am trying to update my Office 365 installation too to see weather it affects those too.
