Forum Discussion
May 22, 2023Copper Contributor
New Outlook Issues
Hello, Two features of outlook got removed in the new version of outlook. Could you please actively consider bringing those features back to it? Recall Emails. Recall Emails sometimes allow...
Jun 02, 2023MVP
You are correct. New Outlook is missing many features. As mentioned above, it is still in the beta stage and MS is open to feedback. Here are a few replacement features.
- Missing or Reassigned Shortcuts:
- To review all shortcuts available:
Press Shift + ? or View Settings | General | Accessibility | Keyboard Shortcuts - Also, you can create Quick Steps to address missing shortcuts, multiple actions, or mark all as read.
- To review all shortcuts available:
- Group Conversations:
- Settings location: View | Conversation | Show separately
- Test Results: I changed the settings to show separately. I closed and reopened New Outlook, the new version retained the settings. I also switched from New to Classic Outlook then returned to New Outlook and the show separately settings stayed in tack.
#traccreations4e #newoutlook
Jun 15, 2023Copper Contributor
Calling it beta is giving it too much credit. Alpha seems more appropriate. I tried it for a little while, but it seemed like a child's toy compared to Outlook 365. And then I tried it some more now when responding here, and found a lot more that didn't work as I want/expect.
Here are some of the problems I have found so far (in no particular order):
- I prefer to have my mails listed from oldest to newest rather than the default which is newest to oldest. I.e., in my setup, the newest mail is listed at the bottom. While it was possible to change the sort order (didn't expect anything else), when I switch mail folders it always focuses the first mail, which in my case is the oldest...
- I have two folders with contacts, the default "Contacts" and one for mailing lists "Lists". When switching to "New Outlook", they were combined into one. It was possible to use categories to separate them, however:
- When selecting a category of contacts, not all contacts with the category set show up in the list.
- One contact (my son) for some reason seems to be mixed up with myself, i.e., when I look at his contact information, it shows my image and includes my mail address in addition to his. However, if I try to edit the contact, then it only shows his addresses.
- It is not possible to select mail format (text or HTML) on a per mail basis. It only seems possible to set it in the settings.
- When responding to a text mail, I expect to answer with a text mail (by default) and vice versa when responding to an HTML mail.
- What happened to Rich Text?
- When I respond to a text mail, I want all the original lines to be prefixed with "> ". This is extremely important when participating in mail discussions in communities that have been around for a long time (e.g., Linux kernel).
- When responding to a mail, the editor opens inline. While it is possible to click a button to open it in a separate window, there does not seem to be any setting for it to be the default.
- I make extensive use of conditional rules to color the mails based on, e.g., the sender's name. Haven't been able to find anything like that.
- To make it easy to setup new folders with conditional rules and settings for columns to show etc, I make heavy use of Views. haven't found anything like that.
Basically, it seems like a dumbed down version of Outlook 365 where the most important features have been kept, but all the more specific settings that makes it possible to tweak Outlook 365 to (almost) work the way I want have been removed. And while it may be suitable as a default mail program for Windows, it leaves a lot to be desired to call it a professional tool.
- Teresa_CyrusJun 15, 2023MVP
Thanks for sharing. I have been collecting missing features. However, this is great feedback to give to Microsoft. In New Outlook, hit the Help button and then Feedback | Suggestions.