Forum Discussion

Angela_Lee's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 21, 2024

Locked out of Hotmail Account - Urgently Need Help to Recover - Please help!

Hi, I have lost access to my Hotmail account in October last year.


Since October last year, I have been trying to recover my account but to no avail. I keep submitting the the request form over and over again without any progress.


I keep getting an email that says "We recently received a request to recover your Microsoft account a**** Unfortunately, our automated system has determined that the information you provided was not sufficient for us to validate your account ownership."


Please, I can't keep getting this automated response all the time.


For your kind information:


1. I created this account a long time ago in the late 90s - maybe between 1996 to 1999, I really cant remember because it was so long ago.

2. The account has been my primary account since then until October 2023 when i lost access due to key-in the wrong password due to a lapse in memory & judgement.


3. The problem during the initial recover is further compounded due to me not having access to the following:
a. Phone number in use during the Hotmail account registration/creation
b. alternate email in use during Hotmail registration/creation


I don't have access to these anymore.


4. As I mentioned earlier, the online account recovery request process is really not helping me at all. When filling the form, apart from my birthdate and email, there are other information i cannot remember as it has been a very very very long time since I created this account.


5. The only thing i can do prove that this Hotmail account was actively used as my primary account is probably quote a list of emails received and sent out:

a. The last email received is 16 October 2023; timestamped at 8:52 PM

b. The last email sent out is date 13 October 2023; time stamped 5:10 PM


I really need some help with this. Microsoft's automated process is not helping - it's swiftly shutting me down in my process to secure my access to my Hotmail account.


Please, I really help as this account is linked to some key services and social platforms.


Please, somebody, please tell me how I can get some proper support beyond the automated process.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you.





  • Danay_Q's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    How did you do it, I am facing the same issue but I have used my email just for receiving emails and not for sending, and the form asking me for my recent sent emails and I do not know which ones, I am trying to reach the support or someone that helps me, I do not want to lost my account :(

    • No one can help you recover the account - you need to use the form if you are locked out. just keep trying 2x a day for as long as it takes.


  • Angela_Lee's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Finally! After so many persistent tries, I have managed to get access to my hotmail account.

    I guess the diffrence was being able to include my skype sign details - I completely forgot I had a skype account where a majority of my friends were still using their live:xxx address/name.

    I had to reach out to many of my friends to see if they had me on skype and some common contact list. It Paid off!

    Thank you Microsoft Outlook Team!

    • Amathanio's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Where did you need to enter your Skype credentials? I have the same problem.
