Forum Discussion
When moving a file from OneDrive to SharePoint the file is also added to the recycle bin.. strange!?
I just found that when I choose the 'Move to' option for a file in my OneDrive, then in addition to the file being moved to the SharePoint site of choice, the file is also moved to the recycle bin in OneDrive. Seems very strange to me. I can then also restore the document, giving me the situation I had before the move in OneDrive, but then also having a copy in the SharePoint site.
Anyone else wonder about this happening. Maybe MS can shed some light on it also..
Hi Henning Strand & jcgonzalezmartin,
I chatted with the feature owners and this is expected. We place a copy of the file into the recycle bin in case something happens during the move or the move was made by mistake. Hope that helps!
Stephen Rice
OneDrive Program Manager II
Ops, I'm able to reproduce this and to me this is totally unexpected unless the intention is to provide a kind of "Un do" StephenRice Stephen Rose can you drop some light here?
- StephenRiceMicrosoft
Thanks for flagging this! I'll redirect to the right folks. Thanks,
Stephen Rice
OneDrive Program Manager II
- StephenRiceMicrosoft
Hi Henning Strand & jcgonzalezmartin,
I chatted with the feature owners and this is expected. We place a copy of the file into the recycle bin in case something happens during the move or the move was made by mistake. Hope that helps!
Stephen Rice
OneDrive Program Manager II