Forum Discussion
Slow OneDrive Upload Speed
I read down the posts and may have missed this, but besides the unusual rates of pre-sync action OneDrive takes, the actual syncing of files can be delayed not by OneDrive but by the host cloud.
SharePoint for example performs throttling when it receives massive burst of requests.
I discovered this when with 30+ staff machines syncing a Sharepoint Libabary I moved a 50K file folder structure into it. The combination of 30+ clients requesting 50k+ of files caused SharePoint to throttle back the speed of transfers, till it finally went dead in the water. You could see the uploading client stuck halfway through a file upload, not moving, uploads another 50mb then stops, all the downloading clients baning away.
I put in a helpdesk request at O365 they identified the issue, and on discovering I was around 95% of the upload and 75% of the way on downloads, so just needed a little bit more, they reset the throttle counter, and WOW every last client took off on the spot.
Now this clearly does not address when people are moving just a few files around (<1K count) etc or not a huge mass (<1GB size), but it does explain why sometimes people's results are screwed up, "bad one day, good the next". I expect that is cloud host end throttling.
We've been trying to move our file sharing from Box to OneDrive, but these speeds remain a lingering issue. Onedrive seems to linger around 1Mb/s, while Box usually gives me about 5-10Mb/s.