Forum Discussion
Chandrasekaran Nageswaran
Jan 11, 2019Brass Contributor
SharePoint Online Team Sites - AutoMount
Hi All
The OneDrive for Business sync client GPO Team Site AutoMount feature still not available. Any ETA on GA?
Chandrasekaran C N
- Hi!
Still on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap as in development
Featured ID: 27031
Added to Roadmap: 5/21/2018
Last Modified: 1/10/2019
Tags: OneDrive for Business, All environments
Hope that answers your question!
Best, Chris
- Deleted
I've been working with Microsoft and finally got this figured out today, and working consistently. Please see below for instructions to get this working:
Tenant ID (A):
- First, get your tenant ID using the steps in the following document:
- Copy this address somewhere like notepad, it will be in a format of XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX......
- Next we need to replace the dashes with their HTML format: %2D
- For example: 11111-11111-11111..... should become:
- 11111%2D11111%2D11111.....
- Make note of this newly formatted ID
Library ID:
- Navigate to the library you are trying to sync
- Press "Sync"
- Press "Copy library ID"
- Press "Allow Access" if it pops up
- Paste the ID somewhere like notepad.
Formatting the URL (B):
- In the library ID look for the following line and paste it in another location in notepad:
- webUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fyourdomain%2Esharepoint%2Ecom%2Fsites%2Fsitename
- We now need to un-format this from HTML and put it as a regular URL. So, the line above would become:
- webUrl=
- Make note of the newly formatted URL.
Putting it all together:
Now we need to take all of the information we gathered and create the final library ID.
- Find your un-edited Library ID.
- Make the following changes to the URL:
- tenantId=<Your updated tenantId> - (A) listed above.
- webUrl=<Your updated URL> - (B) listed above.
- Your final result should look like below:
- tenantId=XXXXXXXX%2DXXXX%2DXXXXX.....&siteId=.....&webId=.....&listId=.....&folderId=.....&webUrl=
Creating the GPO:
Now follow the steps in the the "Use Group Policy to control OneDrive sync client settings" document to create your group policy (Mine is based on User):
- Deploy the GPO to your test machine(s)
- Ensure that the registry gets successfully updated
This will not work right away, no matter how much rebooting, closing/opening OneDrive, refreshing group policy you do. After some time passes, something will trigger the sync and the folder (should) will magically appear for you. For me; it took 2 hours from when the GPO was applied, to when it decided to sync itself.
My config:
OS: Windows 10, 1903
OneDrive: 19.123.0624.0005
Hope that helps!
- ColachoMendozaBrass ContributorYou may have replication issues in your domain as it did it right away for us here's a command you can type to see what's going on with your domains sync repadmin /replsummary "DomainName"
- pgawronskiBrass ContributorColachoMendoza what version of OneDrive you have if you don’t mind me asking as maybe they have fixed this with the latest client release.
- mronsmansCopper ContributorThank you very much for sharing, Cactur! After weeks of searching and communicating with Microsoft support, this finally made it work on our side too!
- pgawronskiBrass Contributor
Deleted I wonder why that worked for me without copying an tennant ID but with the literally copied sync path directly from library i want to sync.
I fell this is literally massive BETA test:)
- Deleted
I wonder that too! While working with Microsoft they sent me a URL to test with, and I noticed it was the ID that I described in the instructions. What is odd is that if you do the whole "Copy Library ID" it has a totally different tenantID. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- mronsmansCopper Contributor
Same issue here. Been testing with hybrid devices and GPO and in the past few days I'm trying my luck with a Azure AD joined device/user. I notice the policies reach my register and I see the settings in my OneDrive. InTune successfully pushes Files-On-Demand, SilentAutoConfig, Silently move known folders, insiders sync-ring, etc... Everything works except the AutoMount feature. Running Win10-1903.
- pgawronskiBrass Contributor
mronsmans I wouldnt mix intune and GPO you either use one or another not both.
- Murray WebberCopper Contributor
Does anyone have this successfully running yet? We've been waiting for this since last year, and now that it is GA, we find we still can't get it to work. My test setup is as follows:
- Windows 10 Education x64 (1903)
- OneDrive Insider Preview client v19.123.0624.0002
- Files on Demand is enabled, and the client is configured and working
- SPO Document Library value copied via SPO Administrator and the "Copy Library ID" link
- Latest ADMX/ADML in place (from v19.123.0624.0002)
- GPO (User Configuration) in place for my account
- Confirmed GPO applied, restarted a few times, OneDrive client seems happy, still no File Explorer option for my site... and it's been three days now, which periods exceeding 8 hours between my tests.
I just can't get this to initialise, and we desperately need it for our SPO migration project. Additionally, there appears to be very little information about this, and I can't find any references to logs, scheduled tasks, registry keys, or other ways to see what is going on in the background.
Any ideas?
- pgawronskiBrass Contributor
Murray Webber Same Issue there.
I am trying this out for last couple of days.
I have successfully get this initialised in File Explorer but now as I have made few changes its gone.
I hope not but I believe the GPO will have to be set to Computer Settings not User and would have to apply by Computer (host name). I will be able to confirm bit more over the weekend as I want to figure out what exactly is going on there.
Lacking a documentation there or a good blog.
- emartianCopper Contributor
pgawronskiAny luck in your testing? I just started heavily testing it this week but, same as most others, no success and no indication of what's happening behind the scenes.
Chandrasekaran Nageswaran My question is around the item in the roadmap.
It refers to the feature as an "Admin Tool". Is it an actual physical feature in one of the M365 Admin centers? Or is this just the feature that will be available via Intune/GPO?- Patrick Grud KristensenCopper Contributor
Well it still says April, but we are in May right now.
Maybe they are waiting on the release of the new Windows 1903?
As the requirement will be the OneDrive version that come with it.
So i hope there will be some new info soon.
- SpawnIanCopper Contributor
I have been waiting for this to be rolled out since October 2018, they keep pushing the ETA back a month each an every month since.
This was added to the roadmap in May 2018, so its almost a year !!
This is holding up our adoption of Teams as well...
MS really dropping the ball on this critical feature..
- Patrick Grud KristensenCopper Contributor
SpawnIan@Chandrasekaran Nageswaran
I can see that they just updated the release date (Edited May 17)
The new release data has been pushed to June
- SpawnIanCopper Contributor
Now has "Rolling Out"... this is great news, not had time to test, but I suspect its going to be another 3 months before it hits the business ring
- nicolonskyBrass ContributorHi I wrote a blog post about this feature and was able to successfully deploy it with Intune and PowerShell:
- jplaceCopper ContributorI still do not even see the library ID to even try it.
- Hi!
Still on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap as in development
Featured ID: 27031
Added to Roadmap: 5/21/2018
Last Modified: 1/10/2019
Tags: OneDrive for Business, All environments
Hope that answers your question!
Best, Chris- Luke PageCopper Contributor
How about now?
It says it was due to be released on February but it is now march..
If the release target date could not have been met then it should be updated to reflect the new one.
- NathanHoweSpectrumCopper ContributorThe date has been updated. For what it’s worth, this is a moving target. I first started following this in October 2018 and it was due to be released that month, but it keeps getting pushed back one month at a time.
If you are running an Insider build of Windows, Office 365 ProPlus, or OneDrive, then you should have this feature now. We are able to test it in our IT organization now, but we are hoping that Microsoft continues to improve the management of it. Adding a library GUID to a GPO isn’t simple or intuitive like adding a team folder in Dropbox Business.
- Chandrasekaran NageswaranBrass Contributor
Thanks Christopher for your response.