Forum Discussion
paul mitchell
Jan 10, 2017Brass Contributor
Read Only (Padlock Icon) files - OFDB 17.3.6743.1212
I am currently using the ODFB preview client 17.3.6743.1212 to sync a single group and a single SharePoint online document library. The Office 365 group library is working as expected but all the documents stored in the SharePoint library have a green padlock. When I open any of the documents, I am informed that this is an offline copy and the document is read only.
Has anybody else experienced the same behaviour? I assume if I deleted and re-synced it might solve the problem, but that’s not a viable solution after the sync tool has been deployed to many users.
- 35633290Copper ContributorSBI internet banking activition my code
- Aklimarun201834Copper ContributorCould activate iPhone
- Claude ChateauvertCopper Contributor
I just got off the phone with Microsoft support. They gave a link that describes the issues discussed here in the hyperlink below. Sure enough, it's by design.
- Maaike VergouwCopper Contributor
In my case this was the solution:
In SharePoint library settings 'Advanced settings'
Set 'Allow Management of Contenttypes' to 'no'.
Now the Required fields were visible in the library settings and I could uncheck them field by field.
- Mike FairleyBrass Contributor
Don't know why anyone wants to use Sync. Every time MS makes a change (frequently) they break something. Microsoft have NEVER made a decent sync tool. I am old enough to remember the truly horrible 'Briefcase' in Windows 98, and they still haven't improved since then.
- Deleted
I had the same problem with "padlocks" showing in the ODfB folder, with none of the fixes proposed here or on other forums resolving it. No columns were mandatory, check-out was off etc.
After some testing I found that one of my custom columns had become "secretly mandatory".
I had added a Site Content Type containing a Required column to the library, but later on had changed it to Optional. It appears that the column was still defined as Required in the library itself!
I simply deleted the column from all content types in the library, and then also from the library itself - and that fixed the problem! The locks disappeared in OneDrive almost instantly.
Naturally, a better approach would have been to repair the column by changing it's properties with PowerShell.
- Mikko KoskinenCopper Contributor
Tested again with the latest build. No changes. With mandatory metadata, the sync is read-only.
Fall Creators update is expected to ship very soon. I really hope this is fixed. I have clients waiting for this feature but this is useless with this type of restrictions.
- Vic VergauweCopper Contributor
Is there a solution for this issue available ?
I have the same problem at a customer :-(
kind regards,
Vic Vergauwe
- Vicki LittleCopper Contributor
The answer is here. It has been working for me for quite a while. The only addition is that you have to change the value in both of the areas if regedit in my screen shot. Go back to Groove.exe.
You really have to search if you want to fix their great new features.
Not to mention, this method doesn't ever work, you also have to set SPOTeamSiteRestrictions to 0 as well. Now I was FINALLY able to sync using the old client.
- Lorenzo TempestiCopper Contributor
I also need this fix! Can't sync files that need checkout!
- ReubenIron Contributor
I am having the same issue.
This is the first library I've tried applying multiple custom columns to. Not sure if that is the problem.
- ReubenIron Contributor
It turns out that the "Required Metadata" in a column was the problem. I made the column not required and it is now syncing without the padlock (write access is allowed).
- Vicki LittleCopper Contributor
Why should we have to give one benefit for another. I need the metadat required columns, I have any user who can read items checked and none of this has worked. However, yesterday when I booted up my system for the first time I went right to my files locally and they were all available and I had changed nothing. I thought Microsoft had corrected the issue but later in the day they were back so what was that abot?
- Levi JohnsonBrass Contributor
I was doing it on a siteassets library, I didn't add any custom columns. I think just the fact that versioning is on does it.
- Levi JohnsonBrass Contributor
Just discovered this thread because I'm having the same issue. Didn't know this was a bug. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
- SafloerCopper ContributorI have the same problem. This is terrible and frustrating!