Forum Discussion

Allison Rizak's avatar
Allison Rizak
Brass Contributor
Jan 25, 2017

Finding the library ribbon functionality in OneDrive for Business

I need some help... I helped a user a few months ago to show him how to find the library ribbon in OneDrive... I showed him how to return to classic view and then to settings and "show ribbon." He needs that functionality because he has to be able to export folder contents to Excel. I know it sounds odd, but he has to send a spreadsheet listing all the files to a vendor, who uses the spreadsheet to run a script, I don't know all the details. All I know is that he needs to be able to export to Excel from folders in ODB. I can't find it any more... the "show ribbon" functionality appears to be gone, even after switching to classic view. Is it hidden somewhere? Or is there another way to do this?
