Forum Discussion
Teams Version history
"The MSI download doesn't tell you the version number"
Your post is old but I responded (to myself) to the same question today. So I'm just sharing.
Here what I did (in Powershell) then I put it in my monitoring to get alerts by mail :
(Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseDefaultCredentials -MaximumRedirection 0 -EA SilentlyContinue).Headers.Location.Split('/')[4]
Kevin_Pomerleau you can get the version from the download source
IF you copy and paste the link from the webpage it shows as
but if you look at the actual download location its or whatever the latest link is
so I assume I have just downloaded version
To confirm the download page you can use the following in the edge browser you have downloaded from.
Once installed the executable teams.exe has the version number. I don't see what good the version number is if the associated changes do not flow with the version numbers eg.. Release notes for Microsoft Teams - Office release notes | Microsoft Docs the link has release notes for dates but not for version numbers so we have no way of tallying up version numbers with associated fixes.