Forum Discussion

Heikki_Hautala's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 15, 2023

Teams Timeout if the MTR is last in the meeting



If MTR (Android or W10/W11) is "left alone" in the meeting and is the last one in the call, is there a automated timeout for single participant situation? We have several cases where meeting room is hanging in the call, but no one is in the room. Security people have cut off the call during the evening, but is there a policy that could be adjusted to gain shorter timeout?

Thanks, Heikki

  • MTR-A devices have this feature built in. If you're the only remaining participant, it will leave the meeting.
  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi Heikki_Hautala,

    Microsoft Teams meetings currently have a time limit of 30 hours.

    Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) typically does not have a built-in feature for automatically ending a meeting if there's only one participant left in the call.

    Known issues in Teams Rooms and devices - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

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