Forum Discussion

ayenco's avatar
Brass Contributor
Dec 21, 2021

Teams Diagnostic code 500/16825

Teams Diagnostic Code 500/16825 error message when trying to contact external user from Teams. I need help please. 

  • David910's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Having the same problem and can't get my head around it. Any news on what could help?

    "Es ist ein Problem beim Versenden Ihrer Nachricht auftgetreten. Geben Sie den Diagnosecode für den500/16825 Administrator an, damit dieser Ihnen bei der Problembehandlung helfen kann."

    • David,

      Some questions to try to help

      1. Can you contact other users via federation - i.e. is this the only user you can't chat to

      2. Can the other user talk to people other than you via federation?

      Trying to narrow down where the issue might be. Tenant admins can block users from using federated chat or it might be another issue

      If you want to share the contact details on DM I can see if I can federate to them or to you

      • David910's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        1. Unfortunately its of all users in that federation. They are all Skype users. In my admin center we have activated the "Allow users in my organization to communicate with Skype users." option.

        2. Yes similar to the screenshot above the external users can even contact me, but I cannot answer.

        With other external users / service providers we don't have any issues. I will DM my contacts with you for federation check.
