Forum Discussion

amybundens's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 21, 2020

Teams Calendar - please show my categories/colors from Outlook Exchange

I use categories/colors heavily on my Outlook calendar so I can quickly and easily tell what type of meeting it is (status, client, sales, personal, etc.). I am often double-booked and this makes it easier to make decisions on what takes highest priority.


I am new to Teams and loving it! Especially the calendar features now that we are all working from home. But it would be SO MUCH BETTER if it obeyed and showed the category/color settings from my Outlook Exchange calendar in the Teams calendar.


Please consider adding this as a feature in an upcoming version.

  • Hi Marty_Joplin 


    See here


    Schedule a meeting in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support


    Section on categorising meetings. As noted in the article:


    • At this time, category names and colors can only be edited from Outlook.

    • For recurring meetings, categories can only be applied to the series, not an individual occurrence.

    • Currently, categories can't be applied to channel meetings

    Hope that helps answer your question. It is client side, and not something which is enabled in the Microsoft Teams admin centre


    Best, Chris
